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A Gift bearing bad news...

24 Dec 2015Kitsu Sean
I guess I was both Happy and Sad today. I got a message from an old buddy of mine that told me in no uncertain terms to report to the nearest Imperial Embassy. This was a COMMAND bearing the Imperial Seal. I was shocked at first. I've never done anything (or been caught) in Imperial Space since I've been out of the Federation Navy. The things we did while I served are classified at the highest levels and I'm pretty damn sure none of those things would require a Command from her Imperial Majesty. I showered and shaved and put on my best suit (yes, I still have a couple that I keep handy) and flew the Stark Raven to the nearest Imperial system and sought out the Federation embassy there. Just in case, mind you. Just in case. I presented my Command bearing her majesty's Seal and was escorted by a Federation diplomat to the Embassy.

Frankly I was being too paranoid. The Command wasn't anything related to my military service. In fact it was almost quite the opposite. You see, I grew up with sort of two fathers. Kinda. My birth father and mother were diplomats and for several years stationed in Imperial space. Yeah, yeah...pretty sure they were NOT just diplomats but whatever....that's that I was told and that's what is in the official records. There we were very friendly with a local system Lord and his Lady. A Baron or Baroness. I'm not sure which bore the official title. Anyway I came to see them sort of as second parents. I spent many a fond summer and Solstice with them along with my younger sister. We both have good memories and I remember being very upset and sad when my birth parents were recalled to Federation space. After my parents retired, they planned to actually return to that system and settle on the Baron's world and grow old with them. They never got the chance though as they were killed by Pirates. Another reason why I hate those scum.

The Command informed me that the Baron and Baroness had died on the same day in an aerodyne accident. I'm not gonna lie, I nearly fainted right there in front of some diplomats. I did, in fact, shed many a tear because I felt just like when I learned of my parents death. It hurt. That's some pain you NEVER get over, folks. After pulling myself together, I was given the access codes to a storage bay as well as an Imperial Scroll bearing my name and the title of Knight in her majesty's Service. Frell me stupid! I never expected that! Apparently at some point after my parents death, the Baron and his Lady somehow managed to get my sister and I titles in their service and therefore service to the Empress. I guess I'll have to head to Sol after all for the Solstice to tell my sister and her family. I have no idea how they will react but I know my sister will be upset to hear about their deaths. We might have been young but they made an impression upon us.

The access codes for the storage bay I eventually got to and used. In it was a new-ish Imperial Courier ship named the ISS Knightengale. She was now all mine. My sister got the Baron and Baroness' home and lands. That's gonna spin her head right off. Technically she got half of the home and properties but I signed my half over to her name. I have no use for them. My place, my soul, belongs in the black. Though maybe if she moves her family there, I'll visit more often. If for no other reason than to honor my second set of parents. Goodbye and may the Gods give you rest, my ....family.
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