Logbook entry

Scum & Villainy

08 Aug 2015Kitsu Sean
It should be plainly known that I despise pirates. I lost most of my family to Pirate scum when I was still in the Navy. I was deployed at the time and two of my three sisters and my only brother were visiting my parents who were quite elderly at the time. Approaching their 90th year of marriage in fact. As an Anniversary present, my brother, who had become quite wealthy playing the Galactic Stock Market like a Master Musician, arrived at our family home with a brand new Anaconda-class luxury yacht. His plan was to take my parents and other siblings as well as his own wife and child on a cruise to a resort world. My youngest sister, still attending University, couldn't make it home because of an experiment she had to monitor closely in her Major Professors laboratory. They departed on a Saturday and their last jump beacon registered two days later only sixty light years from our home. Apparently while orbiting a star and refueling they were jumped by Pirates. The ship was torn apart but the Investigators said that the wreckage consisted of at least three vessels not just my brothers ship. At least they went down fighting.

That was the main reason I despised Piracy. I now have another. In fact I won't even call them Pirates. Here in the Bast system there has been a great deal of effort in consolidating the cure for the Cerberus Plague at Hart Station. I heard that there was Pirates here targeting the medical relief craft either to outright destroy the medical supplies or gathering it for themselves to sell on the Black Market. This boiled my blood and I immediately ventured to the Bast system with The Stark Raven to help patrol and hunt down these Villains. Pirates I can sort of understand. Most of them are lazy and just want to intimidate a ship into dropping their cargo so they can scoop it up and run before the System Authority show up. There are some that are also just plain nuts that will pillage, rape, and destroy. Then there are what I call true villains that will deliberately try to ensure the suffering of others by destroying or hoarding the cure to a disease! The lazy Pirates, I'll bring in alive. The crazies will often surrender or at least eject and I'll scoop their escape pod and cryo-freeze them to bring in for their bounty reward if any. These villainous scum, however, I will hunt, kill, and won't lose a wink of sleep over it because I know that they are just plain EVIL and relish it. ANY scum that deliberately targets and attacks a medical relief vessel in the Bast system, or ANY system for that matter, will have my undivided attention and intention to cause them great harm. This I promise.
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