Logbook entry


10 Aug 2015Kitsu Sean
My parents and siblings never knew what I really did for the Federation Navy. I think my father suspected since he was a former Navy Captain himself and often told stories of some of the "weird" things he's seen in his career. As far as my family knew during this peacetime, I was a Long Range Exploration Scout. My "science" team and I would fly out beyond civilized space to take readings of new worlds for potential colonization or resources. Yeah....sure. I never told them what I really did. How my team and I were really SpecTRes. Special Tactics and Reconnaissance operators. We went places and did the things that would never make the evening news. Things we would never be rewarded for because they could never be acknowledged by the Federation. Training was the hardest thing I've ever been through in my life. Even all the field Ops we did never really taxed my system as hard as Selection and Training did. We had a saying in the unit. "The only easy day was yesterday." From what I've heard, it's an OLD and I mean REALLY old saying that came from way back when all of humanity lived in Sol system. I've even heard that it was around before humanity ever colonized other planets within Sol but I find that hard to believe.

There's only my youngest sister and I left and I do my best to watch out for her. I base my new freelance work in the same system where she's attending University. She wants to be a scientist. Bioelectrical Engineering with a minor in Cybernetics. That's my baby sister. The brainiac in our family. She frightens me sometimes with the things she knows. I've had several cybernetic implants over the years. Everyone in the Unit usually did at some point or another. So far though I've managed to not lose any limbs. Both eyes, an ear, and some internal organ replacements, sure but still got all my fingers and toes. Obviously the military went all out. My eyes were top of the line Zeiss optics with telescopic as well as multi-spectrum capabilities. Part of my optic nerve and brain were tied into some advanced targeting software also. I've got the standard dataports behind my ears for full sensorum virtual reality interface as well as localized augmented reality input. My left ear has some advanced capabilities but not much more than a normal ear really. I've got a laser built into my left eye that I can use to target an object at up to about 150 meters and my ear can "hear" or at least interpret local vibrations. Makes eavesdropping on other people's dinner conversation a snap.

The team used to have some advanced synaptic boosters that ran up and down my spine and into my brain for reflex augmentation. Lets just say that I could do twitch motions faster than a Rattlesnake and five times deadlier. Made us some very deadly folks in a firefight. Unfortunately long term use of that stuff can lead to all sorts of medical problems so upon discharge we had them surgically neutralized. They're still there but without millions of credits worth of dangerous surgery, I'm not gonna reactivate them. Besides...from the scuttlebutt I've heard over the years, they're pretty obsolete now. Rumor has it that there are nanotechnological advancements and augmentations that would make me at my most capable look like a crippled old man trying to move through jello pudding. I don't believe all the hype but who cares. I don't do that kind of crap anymore. I run cargo, sometimes not always legally, and I occasionally hunt bounties and Pirates.
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