Logbook entry

300 Jumps To Go

11 Jul 2020BooleanBrisket

The push is on for the half-way mark.

We made good progress today, covering another 30 systems. We're outside the usual route now, the previously mapped planets are fewer and further between. Most systems we scan now haven't been previously indexed by the thousands of travelers who've made this journey before. Part of me wonders if our route is broken. If we'll even hit our target. Will we encounter a field of brown dwarfs and get stranded without fuel in the middle of empty space?

I keep these concerns to myself.

Tonight, as my reward, I'm going to have the autodoc administer my telepresence upgrade. It's time. I can rest tomorrow and let Ivy take the helm for a day or two while I recover.
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︎1 Shiny!
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