Logbook entry

Medbay, Currious Inner Dialogue

12 Jul 2020BooleanBrisket
I lay in the chair, my head secured by the halo. Displays and callouts show the insides of my head around me, the tendrils of the telepresence weave tracing fine lines through my visual cortex.

"Doc, begin the upgrade."

"I am unable to perform this unnecessary surgery," the autodoc's emotionless response.

Rolling my eyes. "Computer, override medical safeties, my authorization." I wait for the beep from the system then try again. "Doc, begin the upgrade."

The machinery above twitches before whirling into motion. The armature and its assorted tools extend and surround my head in a glistening crown of thorns. "Commencing telepresence weave upgrade, program Brisket A04. Initiating anaesthetic in 5, 4..."

"Belay the anaesthetic, doc. I need to be awake for this."

A pause. "But sir, this is an invasive procedure."


Do I detect a moment's hesitation? The armature adjusts again and moves inward. "Commencing local anaesthetic at insertion points."

A series of staccato taps around the circumference of my skull followed by rapid, delicate punctures as the needles are inserted, injecting their numbing payload into the surface of my skin.

"Commencing incisions..."
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