Logbook entry

Colonia Bridge, part 3 (Geo Chandler Memorial to Ultzer-Noromia)

03 Apr 2022Sarashina
Next leg... Pru Euq WO-D b53-8 and there appear to be two stations, CB-4 and "Zerreiss Station," whatever that is. I suppose I'll find out when I get there. 10 jumps, 437 ly.

IC 1287 Sector MN-T C3-1 (36k)
Col 359 SectorJJ-N C21-11 (123k)
Col 359 Sector BF-X b44-0 (10k)
Col 359 Sector SV-J c23-27
Col 359 Sector VY-P b48-3 (71k)
Pru Euq JW-E d11-43 (484k)
Pru Euq BK-M b48-5 (4k)
Pru Euq JW-I b50-8 (6k)
Pru Euq JR-C C26-33 (707k)
Pru Euq WO-D b53-8 (96k)

CB-4 Danieros Serenity, >20ly data sold for 956k
Zerreiss Station orbits a small moon of a gas giant, just beyond the rings. It's a standard Ocellus, and includes a shipyard - allowing other ships to be called in. Only the smaller ships are available for purchase. Would make a good waypoint for selling cartographic data if doing an off-piste trip to Colonia.

Bleae Thua KY-L c7-12 497 ly, 11 jumps
Pru Euq CG-A b55-1 minimal (28k)
Pru Euq RT-U b57-5 (mapped no. 2 - basically sulphur) (12k)
Bleae Thua EC-A b4 minimal (14k)
Bleae Thua OA-A d104 2 stars only
Bleae Thua ZG-R b4-4 minimal
Bleae Thua SG-Y d130 *** large no. high metal content planets (376k)
Bleae Thua TZ-S c3-1 (192k)
Bleia Eohn MX-H a23-1 tried to scoop the unscoopable - failed! 5k
Bleae Thua MK-B b13-4 (32k)
Bleae Thua YC-W b15-5
Bleae Thua KY-L c7-12

CB-5 Ultzer-Noromia - where do they get these names?
Cartographic data always includes the last 2 jumps before the last station and omits the last two before this - weird, because you normally only have to travel 20ly to sell data.
Last ones on previous leg were large, meaning nearly 1.5MCr to sell this time.
Mapped a small moon that it said hadn't been mapped so far, got no notification for it though. But it does show on the galaxy map as mine.

Parked up for a bit. Realised that, while the Colonia bridge might be convenient, it isn't fast. I'm making two stops per session, but there are 55 stops! Somewhere between 500 and 600 jumps. At this rate it will take over 20 sessions, or about 3 weeks. Compare that to the neutron highway, which is about 4 sessions (around 150 jumps, but much higher range).

< Part 2
Part 4 >
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