Logbook entry

Colonia Bridge, part 4 (Ultzer-Noromia to Carbis Bay)

05 Apr 2022Sarashina
Next stop, CB-6, Carbis Bay in the system Blu Thua AI-A c14-10 - 308 ly, 7 jumps, no scoops required. (Scoops will be had, no doubt, but none are technically required.)
These stations do seem to mass lock like an unacknowledged child. Five or six boosts to get free and clear.

Bleae Thua DZ-S b17-7 - not much of interest, but none of the rocky or ice worlds have been mapped here.
Bleae Thua JQ-P b19-2 - all hmcw mapped, five different suns in this system!
Bleae Thua PH-M b21-3 - one sun
Bleae Thua LQ-P d5-70 - 7 icy bodies, none mapped
Bleae Thua AV-F b25-0 - bunch of spectrally almost-identical icy bodies - all different composition so maybe spectra is on mass?
Blu Thua WJ-C b27-0 - one hmc world
Blu Thua AI-A c14-10 - some hmcw.

Seems weird to be suddenly back in "civilisation" with signals all over the place, and local comms picking up liner announcements. USS hunting makes for a nice change of pace between the bouts of jump and scan, jump and scan.

Well, I got cocky and went into a weapons-threat 1 and took on a python, which sent me to the rebuy screen. I really need enhanced shields if I'm going to try that kind of thing! A shame as I lost the last lot of cartographic data plus some legal salvage. Ah well.

The Carbis Bay is a standard megaship of its type, and I'm still not used to landing immediately downwind of the engines. Keep expecting to be blown into space.

Next stop, Bleae Thua WD-M b49-1; 452 ly, 10 jumps. One refuelling, but general scooping should avoid too much of a worry. It does slow the process down, though.

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