Logbook entry

Colonia Bridge, part 11 (CB-16 to Tsumago)

05 Jun 2022Sarashina
A long rest - 6 weeks away. Well, that sucked. Woke up in CB-16 Colonia Bridge, very meta. Next stop looks to be the Eagle Nebula. Might as well go the long way and see the elephant, I suppose.
10 jumps, 454 light years to the next station. The current system is showing 251k in cartographic data, which will be nice.
Orft we go! Took off through the rings, which was a bit weird.

[Through the rings]

Omega Sector AW-M b7-5 - first jump and I realise I can't remember the FSS controls. Press and hold 2 to scan. [Num -] to enter FSS. Holy cow. Too long away.
Gria Drye GJ-J ab-0 - argh. Crashed out around a brown dwarf, "hull integrity compromised". Indeed. Nice view, though.

[Eagle with stars]

Gria Drye SM-C a12-0 - small, boring stars...
Gria Drye QS-X b7-17 - ditto. Line up on next jump is pointing almost directly towards the Eagle Nebula - quite a small one from here...
Gria Drye XE-U b9-20 - ditto
Gria Drye DR-Q b11-2 FUEL STAR Much more interesting system. Several gas giants. Mapped a hmcw. (195k)
Gria Drye AD-X a28-10 - brown dwarf plus icy bodies - didn't fss
Gria Drye OB-Q a32-6 - very little
Gria Drye AF-J a36-3 - 9 icy bodies round a brown dwarf. Why?
Gria Drye IR-F a38-10 - back into "civilisation"! 1 hmcw and a ton of icy bodies, though. Took several encoded emissions.

Landed at CB-17 Tsumago. A very strange type of carrier, a kind of L shape. Couple of thou repair costs.
535k carto data, of which 251k came from the last system and 195k from the fuel star with gas giants and a mapped hmcw.

Next stop, 10 jumps, 438Ly away, still en route to the Eagle.

< Part 10
Part 12 >
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