Logbook entry

Colonia Bridge, part 13 (RBNF Orbital to Kastilione's Vault)

06 Jun 2022Sarashina
This is nuts. If I do sessions of 1-2 hours, and don't stop to look at much on the way, the journey to Colonia will take 6 weeks.

Best get on with it, then. Interestingly, the galactic map reckons this is 298Ly, 7 jumps requiring no refuelling. Bit of a short hop, shouldn't take long... (famous last words).

Byeia Eurk SY-I a78-0: brown dwarf. 1 gg and a bunch of lgj
Byeia Eurk EW-A b41-10 - 3 gg and 1 hmcw
Byeia Eurk JN-X b42-0 - 1 hmcw, mapped this then did some mat farming - good source of yttrium.
Byeia Eurk JX-J c22-2 - 4 hmcw, mapped the first one
Byeia Eurk MD-I c23-30 - 4 gg, one w/ wbl (not mapped!), many ibs. Scanned ggwbl, rings have benitoite, monazite, serendibite, alexandrite and musgravite.
Byeia Eurk JC-D d12-265 - 2 gg, 2 hmcw, 1 mr.
Byeia Eurk IE-L b49-4 - interesting! Many gg, one w/ wbl, lots of other jobbies. Dodgy things going on - degraded emissions, distress calls, pirate activity (threat 5!). The carrier is practically on the ring - fortunately I approached from the right side. Docked at CB-19 Kastilione's Vault - it doesn't seem like a happy place. System in lockdown. Kinda wish I wasn't stopping for the night. No access to cartographics, which is annoying. Not quite sure how Brewer Logistics - who built the station - can be a faction in lockdown having "expanded from the Gria Drye IR-F a38-10 system" - the lockdown is apparently due to a conflict with Colonia Council in the Skaudai CH-B d14-34 system, which is 5419 light years away! (And in the middle of a nebula - Skaudai AA-A H71.)

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