Logbook entry

Colonia Bridge, part 15 (CB-20 to Ragnar's Rest)

08 Jun 2022Sarashina
485Ly, 11 jumps - quite a long haul. First jump is just under the main star - feel like I'm jumping into the sun, which is a bit disturbing. See you on the other side...

Eagle Sector HR-W d1-107 - meh
Plaa Aescs HE-S b4-5 - single star
Plaa Aescs HL-Y d102 - binary system
Plaa Aescs RC-V c2-40 - 4 gg, 2 water worlds, 5 hmcw, all mapped and scanned.
Plaa Aescs MG-O b6-13 - 2gg, water world, 5 hmcw, all already scanned, gg not mapped.
Plaa Aescs RX-U c2-12 FUEL STAR - 1 hmcw, even icy bodies mapped here
Plaa Aescs MM-M b7-14 - still scoopable? Trinary system.
Plaa Aescs JM-M b7-5 - Binary
Plaa Aescs M-W d1-172 - 8 hmcw, 5-8 unmapped, so mapped these.
Plaa Aescs EM-M b7-2 - meh
Plaa Aescs QD-T c3-28 - busy system. 4 gg, 1 w/abl, the rest disappointing.
The megaship here is CB-21 Ragnar's Rest, over 900Ls out. Serious pirate activity around and I fear I won't be able to sell carto data here. Lots of gung-ho on the in-system channel. Realised at the last moment that this is another system where the carrier is practically on the rings of a planet. Not that these are rings; more like a horizontal nebula, very strange. Looks like a cloud base.

As suspected, the system is in lockdown. No carto data, missions or passengers.

Mapping the next section, a whole bunch of stations appear to be called "Colonia Bridge"? This seems... odd. The next is CB-22 Colonia Bridge in the system Lysoosms YS-U d2-61, which is 9 jumps, 409Ly away.

< Part 14
Part 16 >
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