Logbook entry

Colonia Bridge Part 20 (CB-25 to Passarola)

10 May 2024Sarashina
Station still in lockdown. Director Jonah Torres never looks any prettier.

Nyeajaae LE-G C27-37 - 4 gg, one w/wbl. A large number of icy bodies.
Nyeajaae AA-J B56-7 - 5 gg, and *47* other planets, *all* of them lumps of ice. Why? Why do I do this? This FOMO sense of completitude will be the death of me.
Nyeajaae TE-J A117-0 - if my FSD isn't the death of me first, of course. One of those odd times when the FSD hurtles at full speed into the nearest sun; emergency drop next to a tiny class Y dwarf. I paid more attention to the next jump.
Flyiedgiae XH-F C62 - all ok here except that the fire groups keep defaulting to heat sink. My ship knows me well.
But, hallelujah - there's an earth-like here! A4. It even has a hmc moon (A3). A1, A2, A5 and 5a are also hmcw. All scanned, although all have already been discovered. A trek over over 1000Ls to A5 and I started to wonder if I shouldn't have packed a supercruise assist. But I resent anything that adds to the jump weight.
Error of judgement here - I misread the controls and thought 5A was landable. Oh dear.
Then skipped a planned system, presumably because of fuel scooping.
Flyiedgiae YQ-C D127 - a water world and several hmcw, most around the binary at a distance. Scanned the inner two just because.
***Flyiedgiae EU-B C2-51 - And what a system! A binary with 76 planets between them, including 8 gas giants (one with water-based life), 10 hmcw and a "terrestrial water world with an active water-based chemistry and carbon-water-based life" - not sure I've ever seen that latter classification before. Sadly, Sumortis got to them all first.
Flyiedge FJ-Y B6-1 - 6 gas giants, 2 of them with water-based life.
Flyiedge KA-V B8-16 - trinary system, nothing doing.
Flyiedge VN-W c4-51 - home of CB-26, named Passarola. Quite a big system, including a gas giant, a water world and some hmcw. A low security system with a compromised nav beacon, but I could see a couple of enforcers in-system. Dropped out of supercruise and lost a drone before I remembered - don't select a mat, or it's the only mat you'll get...

Back to the station and it orbits a rocky planet sporting some very impressive impact craters. I was paying too much attention to those as some scrote tried to pull me out of supercruise. Not successful; I made the station in one piece. Finally, a station not on lockdown! 7.5MCr and a 10k bonus for first to map 5 bodies in Nyeajaae KH-S B37-13. Gave 1MCr back to help with station support. MoG needed some significant module repair due to the brush with stars along the way.

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