Logbook entry

Colonia Bridge Part 22 (Stargazer's Legacy to Red Panda Rest Stop)

24 May 2024Sarashina
Next stop, Flyiedge JE-Z b46-9, Red Panda Rest Stop. Possibly no longer than that.
A new plan today; worry about the names later.
The night sky (isn't it all night?) is starting to look busy now.

1. Flyiedge RB-H b29-8 Binary system, nothing special, no planets.
2. Flyiedge XN-D B31-2 M-class star, 3 gas giants, 2 with abl. Bunch of ice worlds, some landable.
3. Flyiedge OU-A C16-16 4 stars: K, M, T and G. Very pretty combination on the scanner, although only 2 are visible in-system.
4. Flyiedge VG-X C17-39 Binary system, with 4 hmcw around the second star, 5500Ls out. First footfall done, so I'm disinclined.
5. Flyiedge WE-R B39-10 The strange red maw is now looking like an animal snare, and the path out is heading towards a dark patch on the bright swathe of the galactic disc. Binary system here: M-class with a single gas giant, and a brown dwarf in attendance.
6. Flyiedge FM-N B39-10 Two gas giants, some landable planets. Discovery but no footfalls, so they're still to be found, even this close to the path. Caught up with my fuel scopping then had to drop a heat sing jumping out.
7. Flyiedge EX-I D10-94 Ooh! *Very* bright and shiny F-type. Two gg, one with wbl. Some landables with minimum atmospheres.
8. Flyiedge VF-G B43-11 3 gg, one with rings. Discovered but almost no footfall.
9. Flyiedge OG-O C22-28 Well, this is more like it. Weird stuff all over the shop. Trinary system, 2 M-class and a brown dwarf. A has 2 water worlds with life, and 10 hmcw; A2 has 2.1% arsenic. B has 3 hmcw. There are 2 "notable stellar phenomena" on the scanner but it doesn't say what they are... went and had a look, and found a collection of spikey pretties that were confirmed as "rubeum metallic crystals" and "purpureum metallic crystals" formed of micro-organisms floating in a cloud of gas at the Lagrange point. Off to the other Lagrange point for "prasinum metallic crystals" which were the most sparkly of the lot. Confirmation bonuses given for all three; the last time they were scanned was when they were discovered, 6 years ago.

[Many pretties]

10. Flyiedge JE-Z b46-9 Jump in-system and suddenly there are people everywhere, very strange. I'd much rather have the crystals, if I'm perfectly honest. Scanned the system and got interdicted doing so - the shyster jumped out. Compromised nav beacon, which is always a sign of a society on the skids. Got to the "rest stop" and straight in the hanger - not risking sitting out on deck. 1.7MCr and a chunk of that straight to Brewer to help fight the civil unrest.

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