Logbook entry

Colonia Bridge 25 (Song of Deimos to Jewel of Pirigen)

14 Jun 2024Sarashina
At least they seem to be trying harder with the names.

Headed out on to this station for a change, picked up a new Artemis suit. Looks interesting, though I don't know how much use it will be.

Next stop, CB33 Jewel of Pirigen in system Skaudai CH-B d14-34. Galaxy map says 6 jumps.

1. Skaudai PU-J C24-13. Water world w/ life and a couple of hmcw. Everything scanned and mapped but no first footing. First hmcw about 1000Ls out. Scanned and then realised it wasn't landable. Eheu. On we go.
2. Skaudai SA-I C25-11. Binary system, no planets.
3. Skaudai WG-G C26-2. Three gas giants (one ringed) with planets. 4 hmcw. Everything discovered but apparently nothing scanned and no footfall. First planet 11Ls in, so got first footfall on that, despite crazy temps (that close to the sun, duh. 1400K.) Second planet, hmcw, less than 30Ls away so I got that one too. The speed at which the suit started screaming at me made me more respectful of my little SRV - effectively a glass and metal bubble but still capable of withstanding incredibly unforgiving environments. The engineering is extraordinary. Tootled around picking up some mats and recalled the ship. An azure ship landing on a sand-coloured world under a brilliant sun is a sight to see.
4. Skaudai FB-H B55-2. Binary system, no planets.
5. Skaudai OI-D B57-0. 8 icy bodies, all mapped, one first footer.
6. Skaudai CH-B D14-34. Dropped a heatsink and started scanning, so of course an interdiction. Swanned out into deeper space and tried again. 4 gas giants, one with water based life; everything scanned and mapped, but no first foot showing, which I find hard to believe. Especially as the station is in the rings of the class IV gas giant and the first moon is orbiting just outside the rings. "Bark mounds and brain trees" said the detailed scan. No first foot for me so the map must just have been bugged. The mounds turned out to be what I thought at first were volcanic outcroppings - what I initially took to be flames at the top were some kind of growths. The "brain trees" were spectacularly ugly, appearing more mineral than organic, and dropped chromium. There's actually a space port on this planet, so I dropped in to have a look - worth it for the planetscape. The station wasn't under lockdown - hallelujah - although was still Brewer Logistics. 3.8MCr for carto data. I wandered into the station and wondered if anyone was interested in the bio data. Turns out there was a crew there called Vista Genomics who gave me 3MCr just for the exobio data - and suddenly I feel like I'm in the wrong job. Admittedly both required 3 samples, but even so. "Easy money" has just been redefined.

Hopped up to the main ship, just to say I'd been there. It was within the rings of the gas giant. I always find it hypnotic dropping in to rings. They had outfitting, which struck me as odd - maybe it's been all the stations on lockdown, but I can't remember the last time I saw that. The station had a happy vibe, but the traffic report said 5 ships through in the last day, including two Krait Phantoms and a 'conda - maybe a Jumpaconda, but it's never good seeing combat ships rather than explorers in a system.

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