Logbook entry

Pretty old-world Norwegian names; To Thor's eye and beyond

11 Feb 2017Xino9922
*Incoming transmission from ///CLASSIFIED///. Destination: Brestla, Roed Odegaard Station. Imperial encryption protocols detected*
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INV Far Lands' first journey into the unknown.
CMDR Xino9922 of The Holy Order of The Emperor's Inquisition's personal log, 11th of February 3303.

*stares into his console, frantically pushing buttons, while swearing at the screen*
Oh, right, I was supposed to record another log... Sorry, found this game from the old world called "Wargame: Red Dragon" that really fascinated me. Anyhow, let's get to logging. Again, sorry about being terribly late on this log.

I left Hillary Depot. I was only planning on staying long anyways. The longing for the stars gets too powerful.
Happened to come across a rather interesting systems, it's sights like this that makes me long for the stars. Notice how the galactic core in the back is even closer now.

I had a quick transmission with one of my friends, back in the bubbles, while on the way to an interesting point of interest I found on the galaxy map.
An extremely bright star, O-class, going by the name of "Thor's Eye". It seemed interesting, so I decided to go off route for a bit, and have a look.

The system itself was not that special, an O-class star, a single gas giant and a black hole. But nothing could have prepared me for the visuals here, absolutely stunning! This gas giant was around 1300 light-seconds away from the star, and yet it illuminates the rings in such a stunning and beautiful way.

Anyways, a bit further on, I stumbled into my next waypoint, in the Lagoon Nebula. Amundsen terminal. The names are getting very much old-world Norwegian out here. Coincidence? I think not, it may be a conspiracy! Boots on the ground, time to go get a drink in the nearest, and possibly only bar here.

Now that I'd been refreshed, and had a few days break, it was time to head on. Next waypoint; Trifid Nebula, and the surrounding Trifid Sector of space. This nebula is rather dark, mostly consisting of blue and black gasses.

However, I did stumble across and earthlike world here. The same system also had a water world and a terraformable world. Will report this in more detail directly to Her Grace Mavia Kain.

I checked the galaxy map quickly, 1700 light-years to go for my next waypoint, the Eagle Nebula and Eagle's Landing. I did find and interesting planet  though, where I decided to spend the night, after having raced around collecting material for... different things, in my SRV.

Returning to my ship now, and I leave you with this...

Until the next log.

o7 CMDRs
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