Cmdr Rain Ocampo
Mercenary / Fighter
Registered ship name
Eva N. Gelium
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Python Mk II Try-it
Overall assets
Alliance Rapid-reaction Corps
Edmund Mahon

Logbook entry


17 Jul 2021Rain Ocampo
Silently, the young woman with the military short haircut sits in her cell in Dhawan Survey and stares at the opposite wall....

So now Valerii is gone. Not in a big battle or in any other of her mostly illegal activities.
Nor was she caught by any of her handlers.
No, it was a simple, stupid accident.

Thoughtfully, Kendra Shaw shook her head.

Normally Valerii didn't commit such stupid mistakes as forgetting to activate the shield projector in a dangerous situation.
Was it the fight against her programming, as it was with Kendra's "mother" back then?
After everything the young soldier had seen in the last months, this would be the most plausible explanation.
But that would mean that Sharon might have been able to resist the network, to overcome her programming.

"I made a huge mistake." Tears rise up to Kendra's eyes.
"I was so fixated on wiping out this artificial life form that I didn't pay attention to Sharon's development.
With this attack, I think I just accelerated the whole story."

Carefully, almost lovingly, the young woman encloses the small, bluish shimmering medallion on her necklace with her hand....

But is it really over?
Actually, it sounds unbelievable, but the rumors about some kind of... resurrection technology have been persisting in scientific circles of the Utopia Watch for years.

The only thing she can do now is wait for Sharon's friends to return.
She have to try to persuade them to join her in retrieving and viewing the documents she stole from Valerii's secure archives in Pirate's Lament.

Slowly Kendra closes her eyes and leans her back against the cold bulkhead of the cell....
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