Cmdr Rain Ocampo
Mercenary / Fighter
Registered ship name
Eva N. Gelium
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Python Mk II Try-it
Overall assets
Alliance Rapid-reaction Corps
Edmund Mahon

Logbook entry

A new Day in prison

22 Jul 2021Rain Ocampo
Dhawan Survey - prison section

A new morning in the prison wing of Dhawan Survey....
I awoke again shivering and covered in cold sweat from a restless and not really recovering sleep.
My eyes were restlessly darting around the cell I had been living in for almost two weeks now.

"That nightmare again.... Or is it a vision?"

The weeks in detention had changed the young woman. The drugs she normally took to numb her fears and bad memories had now left her body.
The usually accurate and meticulously groomed military short haircut was barely recognizable as such.
Kendra, who had once been considered brash and forward, now appeared introverted, sad and serious.

On my way to the hygiene units, I turned to the guard who always accompanied me when I was out of the cell.

"Something dark is coming ... you know that, right?"

Emotionless, the guard shrugged. "Miss Shaw, we're here. You have ten minutes."
After I entered the hygiene unit, the woman in the guard's uniform locked the door and stood with her back to it.

The steam from the hygiene cell enveloped my body and I was glad to get out of my ugly prison clothes for a short time. Carefully, I reach for the small, shimmering cyan pendant on my necklace that I had never taken off since I got it.

"No glow today? ... Could be a good sign ..."

The handholds of the hygiene cell are slippery from the steam.

Gods, how I miss gravity.... and a real shower...

On the whole, yes, I'm being treated well here. I've even been given permission to communicate with certain people.
Hans and the others who captured me want to interrogate me tomorrow.

What should I tell them that I haven't already tried? They didn't listen to me then and they still won't. Now that Sharon is really dead, they're going to hate me even more. But that's okay.
Only Declan is planning something...
I'm not going to get any help from my supervisors at Utopia. That's the price of "covert ops."

The guard is pounding on the door. "Shaw ! Your time is up!!"

I'll try to ignore them for another minute.
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︎8 Shiny!
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