Cmdr Rain Ocampo
Mercenary / Fighter
Registered ship name
Eva N. Gelium
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Python Mk II Try-it
Overall assets
Alliance Rapid-reaction Corps
Edmund Mahon

Logbook entry

Project GAmmA (Part 2)

08 Mar 2024Rain Ocampo
The day of Taranis Fall

Taranis fall -1:30

"Enter Sol system. Calculate course to Triton. Please note that a visit to Triton is only permitted with authorization."
The COVAS rattles off the data in a monotonous tone.
"Let me worry about that, you stupid machine."
Ocampo reaches for a switch and deactivates the ship's transponder.
She watches the radar attentively.
"I haven't been to Sol for ages... To be precise, I've never been here."
With an unusually dreamy smile, she whispers and hums to herself as she adjusts her course and keeps an eye out for federal military patrols, which she definitely does not want to encounter.
This is also one reason why she has opted for the smaller ASP Scout. This ship is designed to be difficult to detect by sensors and has a few 'extras' that are considered illegal in the Federation.
The pilot grins to herself again.
"Lesson learned is lesson learned. I had good instructors."
Carefully, avoiding the normal trade routes through the system, Ocampo approaches her destination. A quick glance at the temperature display makes her smile a little. The ASP is running extremely cold. Ocampo checks the heat sink ejectors again to make sure they are working properly. If a patrol does get too close to the ASP, it can always use silent running and become almost invisible.

Taranis fall -0:23

"You are entering a restricted area. Transmit your ID code or you will be destroyed without further warning."
The surface of the moon above the cockpit of the ASP is getting bigger and bigger and the lights of the federal intelligence base can already be seen.
Ocampo casts another scrutinizing glance over the immaculate officer's uniform she is wearing and takes a deep breath.
"What you're trying to do, sweetheart, is just insane. I hope this stunt turns out well."
Determined, she reaches for the button to start the transmission...

The moment seems to drag on forever... The pilot's almost emotionless features tighten into a mask...

"Your clearance has been confirmed. Please land on Platform 09. Automatic docking sequence initiated. Welcome back, Commander Shaw."

Ocampo's features relax a little as she hears these words. A satisfied smile crosses her face.
"Mission objective one, accomplished. I'm on site."
The automatic landing system forces the small ship into a tight turn over the base. The main engine shuts down and the thrusters maneuver it directly onto the landing platform.

Taranis fall -0:08

The guards salute briskly as the lieutenant enters the base. She can't quite stifle a small smile as she salutes back.
As Ocampo enters the guard commander's office, she sees the newsfeed with live images of the upcoming Taranis explosion. The newsreader's voice is raspy with excitement. The watch commander doesn't seem particularly pleased to be disturbed by a secret service agent at this particular moment.
Keeping his eyes on the newsfeed, he asks briefly:
"Commander Shaw, may I ask you the reason for your visit?"
Ocampo fixes the officer with a hostile look.
"No! You may not! Security protocol Omega 57 R14. Dismissed!"
She turns around brusquely and simply leaves the guard standing there.

As an intelligence officer with one of the highest clearance levels in the Federation and an undercover agent in some of the trickiest operations of recent years, she has all the advantages on her side.
Ocampo's inner voice speaks softly:
"Don't push your luck. If this gets blown, you won't even get off the base."
Quickly, but not hastily, the woman calls up the logs and starts the search for 'Project GammA’....

Taranis Fall +0:12

"Clear for take-off. Safe journey."
The voice of flight control sounds tinny from the speakers.
The guard on duty hadn't even given her a glance when she returned the access card. Open-mouthed, he watched the recording of the Titan's gigantic explosion.
Ocampo grins broadly.
"Perfect time for a little heist. Set a course for deep space."
It's time to plan the next steps...
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︎1 Shiny!
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