Logbook entry

Increasing Thargoid Hostilities

26 Aug 2022DAVY_JONES
I was training some new pilots last night around Pleiades Nebula when I found out that some innocent explorer was hyperdicted and murdered by our "friendly galactic neighbours" as some would like to call them without a scan of some sort, just straight out murder. I immediately returned to base with the newbies on my tail and scheduled a hyperspace jump to HIP 22060, where the incident had occured. I arrived at the system some 15 minutes later to find a plethora of carriers already docked, some interested in research, some exploring etc. we launched immediately in a wing of 3 looking for the Thargoids but they were no where to be found, so we decided to conduct hyperspace jumps to nearby systems in hopes of getting interdicted and at the second jump, me and one of my wing-mates were interdicted, light years away from each other of course, we took 3 of them down that night and returned to the base, sending a message that their actions have gone neither unnoticed, nor unpunished. I think their recent victory in the HIP 22460 system against the Proteus Wave project encouraged them and now they are expanding their reach beyond the origin system of Proteus Disaster. We will of course remain vigilant and continue our regular combat patrols in the area in an effort to contain the situation but I feel this change in Thargoid behaviour will bring about an entire new chapter in our constantly raging war of survival. There is something eerie in all this deafening silence, there is the smell of hunt in the air.
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