Logbook entry

Captains Log 3306.06.23

23 Jun 2020Pr0j3kt675
The current situation in LDS 883 has grown dire. Spent the day in the Aenima (Krait mk3) running hatch breaker missions on pilots that for a majority were harmless. I never saw what happened to Smith Reserve before the attack and have yet to find out of it was Thargoid related. Either way should be a couple of months of work before we have that system back under control. Spent a majority of the night last night with EXO Navy in a system called Narawal (or something similar). Made the most money I’ve made in a system yet in one night. Ended up staying at Anderson afterwards. Really starting to love this Krait. With Judith now taking full control of all combat, my Krait has almost become like a second home. Tonight I’ll be staying at Rey and tomorrow will begin the moving process from Navida to Dillon Hub.

CMDR Pr0j3kt675
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