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Revisiting an old friend [The Planetskipper Chronicles]

10 Jun 2016Planetskipper
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"Good old 'Tin Lizzy'," Titus spoke while looking over Dockmaster Yarnick's shoulder as he punched up his Imperial Clipper out of storage at Roberts Gateway. The station was rough, a relatively quiet area in the Bubble - perfect for a quiet conversation and the occasional bloody murder.

"A classic Clipper, I don't see too many of those - in fact, yours is the only one I've ever seen," Yarnick spoke as he finished giving the orders, "it'll be at dock 32 in ten minutes."

Absentmindly Titus answered a question that wasn't asked, "Achenar, a long time ago - got it with a special discount, a limited event for those that took the knee. I was a Baron at the time and that was a privilege granted to few. Most of us CMDRs were mostly traders or guns for hire back then, very little money outside of running cargo or hunting bounties. In these days everybody's got one or had one, I kept mine - frozen for a long while but here now."

"And now they're everywhere," complete Yarnick as he nodded. "So you're a Basker?"

"Aye, reached the highest rank they give to us CMDRs - they call it 'King' but I never fancied that title. Ran missions for them for months and I cleaned up at least two systems of rogues. Carried a lot of weapons too, mostly under the radar if you know what I mean. Those were my good old days, but I've been away for a long time, perhaps they've forgotten about me," Titus looked away in thought.

Yarnick nodded and looked at his screen, "it says here you're also a Saluter, playing both sides?" he asked with a mischievous smirk, "nothing wrong with that but eventually you will have to pick a side."

Titus snapped back from his nostalgia, "I know - but not today. Thank you again, stay safe," he answered bidding farewell to the Dockmaster and left, headed towards dock 32.

He needed a few elements and this was the best place to try to dig them up.
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