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What is my Political Party?

27 Jul 2015WaKKO SicK
We have all been recently asked to make a choice on who we would like to follow. While I understand that some people will choose to ally with whoever they think is the best, most of us will choose who agrees with our ideologies. But most of us have no idea what our political party even is. We think of the choice between the 3 major powers but there are 3 categories of which, Allegiance is only one. I would like to discuss political parties and how to find out just what political party you belong to.

Lets start with the categories.


Allegiance is the choice between the different major powers in the universe. Currently there are 4 Different choices in this category.

-Alliance: The Alliance of Independent Systems is a loosely organized galactic governance that believes independents should not be forced to join the empire or the Federation. There were formed out of a necessity to protect there self interests from the growing reach of other galactic powers. They mostly operate independent of one another and normally only come together in the defense of there territory.
Militarily, the cooperation is successful. Each member system contributes a portion of its navy to the Alliance Defense Force. The Council of Admirals is unified and has powers to act swiftly without government approval. Vessels of the Alliance generally bear the decals of their own navy, but display an additional Alliance Defense Force decal while operating with the unified naval force. The Alliance was formed circa 3230 AD in Alioth, and portrays itself as a beacon of human rights and democracy in an increasingly autocratic universe. It does not conform to the political ideals of the totalitarian Empire, or the authoritarian Federation and there is much cultural variation among its members. This, however, means they often struggle to achieve political agreement. The presidency changes annually around its member systems.

Wiki Entry http://elite-dangerous.wikia.com/wiki/Alliance

-Empire: Imperial society is based on a “cliens” system – much like ancient Rome – and strictly stratified, with people being able to move between strata based on money, patronage and influence. It values both status and honor very highly. Whilst it is acceptable to flaunt wealth, treating people well is a question of honor – and this includes slaves. Having an unpaid debt is seen as utterly dishonourable – an honourable Imperial citizen would sell themselves into slavery to clear a debt they couldn’t otherwise afford. The Empire is less technologically dependent than the Federation, choosing to keep and employ slaves for the work which machines would usually perform in other parts of the universe. The Empire is also a proponent of human cloning, a topic which the other factions find abhorrent and have officially banned within their own. The Imperial Law is seen and enforced by Senators who themselves are above the law. They can order executions, and can even kill people themselves, though sometimes (rarely) they may be held to account for their actions by the Emperors. In the Empire very little is illegal, but many things are frowned upon, like excessive use of narcotics.

Wiki Entry http://elite-dangerous.wikia.com/wiki/Empire

-Federation: The Federation is the oldest of the three major Factions in the universe. The planet Earth, birthplace of humankind, is the historic capital of the Federation and regarded as the centre of human-inhabited space.The Federation is highly dependent on technology and is economically and socially Corporate. In the period of rebuilding after the end of World War 3 on Earth (circa 2044-2055AD) it was the corporations who became powerful and dominant. In modern times it is the corporations who are the life-blood and backbone of the Federation. It is rumored that these corporations have such influence and power that they can even direct the Federal Government. Perhaps even to the point deciding who to elect as President. Corruption and bribery are rife in the Federation and law enforcement has been known to turn a blind eye if the price is right. The relationship between the Federation and the Alliance is one of tolerance. The relationship between the Federation and the Empire is one of deep hostility.

Wiki Entry http://elite-dangerous.wikia.com/wiki/Federation

Overall the relationship between the Federation and the Alliance is one of tolerance. The relationship between the Federation and the Empire is one of deep hostility.

-Independent: independents are just what they say they are. They are not aligned with any major power and have no interest in them at all. They are self serving and do what they deem necessary. They are all different.

Organization is the choice of how you think the world should be, not how it currently is. What the overall goal you strive for. It is what your power is used to achieve. The belief that holds your organization together.

-Political: Members of this group are actively involved in furthering there political agenda.
-Corporation: Members of this group are actively involved in increasing there economic power.
-Dictator: Members engage in authoritarian activities to establish and maintain power.
-Democrat- Members all have a say in what activities the group works towards.
-Unfettered: Members engage in an activity they want and no centralized power is recognized.

Government is the choice of how power is distributed.

While very similar to Organization and having some overlaps in ideals. It is very different. A corporation for example is created to make money. But how they distribute power to accomplish that goal can be very different. A Democratic Corporation might have a vote to determine the best strategy to use on the market. While a Dictator Corporation will make money by enforcing there will on others, seizing power and squeezing money out of it.

There are so many different Government types that I will not go into a long description of them at this time.
Of note though, is Anarchy. The state of no government. Many uninhabitated systems fall under this catagory and most of those who are unfettered who gain control of a system will also institute anarchy.

So if you can figure out which three choices you would make that is your political party. I am a free man. I don’t believe we need anyone telling us what we can and can’t do. My choice for Allegiance is Independent. My choice for organization is Unfettered. And my choice of Government is Anarchy.

That makes my political party The “Independent Unfettered Anarchist” party.

What party are you?
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