Cmdr Lysolx
Special agent / Patreus sentinel
Registered ship name
Admiral's Fury
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Krait Mk II DPPC
Overall assets
Denton Patreus

Logbook entry

19 Sept. 3303

19 Sep 2017Lysolx
The last couple days have been eventful to say the least. Marco Qwent really hooked me up on some much needed upgrades. I headed over to Wu Guinagi where an Empire contact there had me knee deep in Data Courier Missions and Planetary Outpost scans. With the war going on around there they need all the help they can get it seems. They payed me well enough for my time. I always like a good Milk Run.

Yesterday I finally made it back out to the front-lines in Tujil where A. Lavigny-Duval is trying to expand her influence into and force out those troublesome Feds. I spaced so many Feds I lost count. All in a days work. They will never learn.
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