Cmdr Lysolx
Special agent / Patreus sentinel
Registered ship name
Admiral's Fury
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Krait Mk II DPPC
Overall assets
Denton Patreus

Logbook entry

25 Sept. 3303

27 Sep 2017Lysolx
I've been in Wu Guinagi for some days now helping with the war effort here. They are in full Civil War and it isn't pretty. Entire fleets destroying each other trying to bring the System back under order. I have not seen destruction and loss of life of this sort in a long time. I've just about had my fill of death for one day.

I just got a message over the net that A. Lavigny-Duval has promoted me to Duke. She wants all available personnel to head back to the bubble so the Empire is ready for any Thargoid incursions into our territory.

I thought the Feds were bad enough, now I get to deal with Hostile Aliens. Great.
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