Logbook entry

Captain's Log: 3306-03-23

23 Mar 2020Pon Pon
Just pulling up to Houtman City, in orbit of Aeternitas 1. I've punched in the trade data to the ship's nav, and this is where it said to go after Frigaha. Oh, I should mention: I'm headed to Forbes Terminal in Algorab, since my application to the Sidewinder Syndicate was accepted last night.

A fellow going by CMDR Mileon sent me the data portal and trade plugin for my ship's nav, and it's predicting ~3M credits from this route. I hope that's true, since it's 22 jumps to Algorab from Frigaha. Anyways, I've got a hold to fill and jumps to do, so I won't have much time to update the Captain's log today. Short bursts of supercruise, none of this Hutton level crap today!


I've just arrived at Skolem Hangar, in the Gyvati system. Things are going well, though this is draining the fuel tanks a lot more than I'm used to. On average it's 7-10 jumps per trade run, so I guess it makes sense. I just have to remember to fuel up at each stop, that's all.

Selling off the load of mineral oil I had made me 130k profit, and earlier I made ~450k in a polymers trade, so it looks like this is working. I'm hauling another load of polymers to Flynn Dock in the Unkuar system, so I've got high hopes for this next run.


Probably shoulda seen this coming, but I got interdicted on the way to Flynn. Well, they tried at least. My hardpoints are empty, so I resist interdictions with all I've got, and it was no different this time. The only time I'll submit is whem I'm in my Type-10, with enough turrets and fighters to blow those pirates out of the sky.

Well, assuming I get a Type-10 at some point. The Type-9's more my price range, and even that is expensive. Polymers made a half-million credits, so I might be closer than I think. Onwards to Algorab!


I've made it to Forbes Terminal, home base of the Sidewinder Syndicate. It's about time I got my colours, so to speak, and officially mark my ship.

Ending out the day, I've got just over 5M credits. Full fuel tank, empty hold, just like when I opened. That's a profit of about 2M. Not bad, considering half of the goods were overvalued by the data I had.

CMDR Jeb, signing off.
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