Logbook entry

Captain's Log: 3306-04-20

20 Apr 2020Pon Pon
Technically writing this on the 21st, but oh well. I did a few runs between Algorab and Ross 697. Between trade and cartographic data, I'm punching out with just over a million credits profit.

Not that I didn't make any losses. The damn price of medicines was wrong for Ordway's Progress in the Sak Chelmir system, meaning that was a wasted stop. Only lost me a few thousand credits, but annoying nonetheless. And, would you believe it, Jodrell Bank was having sensor problems and kept denying my docking requests. I wasted time and fuel trying to catch the attention of the ATC there.

Ah well. Sitting on a happy 6.3 million credits, I suppose it would seem like I'm making petty complaints to planetary dwellers. They say its high-risk, high-reward to be a space freighter pilot, but barring the occasional interdiction attempt its been smooth sailing for me.

Except for when I dozed off at the helm and torched my ship... Let's not talk about that.

In other news, my ship inbox had a message from the Sidewinder Syndicate: I'm fully in their systems now, meaning the stations they own are registered as allied space. Not that my trade runs take me through allied space often, but I do hope to continue supplying the SWS with resources from here on out. I did want to help out a little in the Ross 697 system, but... Let's just say a freighter pilot is not the man for the jobs there. Oh well.

CMDR Jeb, signing off.
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