Logbook entry

Captain's Log: Activity Update

07 May 2021Pon Pon
Well, it's been a while since I hopped into the captain's chair. Not that I, as a captain, ever really do that interesting of stuff. I'm a trader; no flashy battles or pictures of faraway celestial bodies for me.

I've been all over the place in my recent days, as shown by my ships' logs. I bought a new Zorgon Peterson Hauler and kitted it for hops out of the bubble. She ain't much, just enough to keep going forever out into the black, scanning planets the whole while.

Now, the reason I bought my new Hauler (which I dub thee, Reisender) was because I needed some exploration data to sell to a certain Ms. Farseer of Farseer Inc. I'm looking to kit my Type-6 with a longer range FSD, and I heard she was the one to talk to. Flying around in the solitude of space, with nothing but me, my trusty ship, and four tonnes of fuel... It was something, to say the least. I did enjoy it, so I might venture further out in the future. Though, fuel scooping at every star where it was possible, and constantly being a few jumps away from calling the Fuel Rats was a little stressful. Once I get a Type-9, I'll start saving for a long-range exploration vessel with a slightly larger fuel tank...

I've also done a bit to increase my rank with the Federation. I tried to go to Earth, but as it turns out my paperwork was all wrong. The guy at the help desk said I needed to run jobs for the Federation, which I've been doing for quite some time. As it turns out, all I needed to do to raise my Federation rank was to talk to the right people: The Federation Navy. I've put my dreams of visiting Earth on hold though, because I need to focus up on one thing. I've got exploration, the better FSD, accumulating credits for a Type-9, and visiting Earth. I need priorities, or I'll get nothing done.

Ah well. I've muddled my way from a Sidewinder to the Type-6. Sitting happy on a few tens of millions of credits, it's not like I need to expand. But I feel like I'm missing so much the universe has to offer, y'know? Well, time to go back to the grindstone. It'll probably set me back on the Type-9, but I think I'll do some resource gathering for the improved FSD. "Something something diamonds are forever?" Whatever the case, it's not a waste of time since I'll be able to manufacture better FSDs for all my ships once I have the resources.

Currently I've parked my Hauler in Deciat, because I'm flying around near (maybe in? It's hard to tell) Imperial space. I'm sitting in the hangar at Bellamy Dock, in the CD-27 5409 system after having made around a dozen runs between here and a mining outpost yesterday. Netted me a few million, but I still wonder if there's a better way to get to the Type-9. Well, slow and steady wins the race. It's not like I dislike flying along trade loops, and the Type-9 is going on the backburner anyways. I think, moving forward, I'll be buying a Lakon Diamondback Explorer. As an investment into my future ventures outside of the bubble, it should be relatively easy to retrofit, but short-term I'm thinking of slapping an SRV on it and using it for material gathering. That, or I'll retrofit the Hauler, since setting up the Explorer would set me back a few million. I'll let you know in the next log.
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