Logbook entry

Captain's Log: Promotion to Petty Officer

12 May 2021Pon Pon
Well, it looks like becoming chums with the marines (and others of import) at Eta Cassiopeia has paid off. I just got my permit for the Sol system, and I'll be meeting an officer once I'm back in Angus Manwaring to finish the paperwork and receive the insignia.

In terms of what I've been doing, well... Not much. I flew my Diamondback back to Federation territory, and parked her for the time being. That massive failure of an expedition out of the bubble, which was completely my fault, has taken the wind out of my sails. I wasn't sure if I was ready, but I took a risk, and almost got stranded a thousand lightyears from home. I can't say that won't happen again, but I need to have a larger safety net in place before I venture that far out again. Regardless, I should be able to engineer my FSDs just with what's inside the bubble. and I've even added a rank 1 range increase on my Type-6. Now, she sips fuel with each jump. And jump a lot she does, since with engineering and exploration shelved, I'm back to my original goal: Saving for the Type-9.

With saving for a Type-9, and my general brand loyalty to Lakon, in mind, I'm probably going to be leaving Federation space for a while. The only reason I'm even in Federation territory at all was so I could butter up the navy, but now they're pressuring me to get my Viper out of storage in Algorab, and ship it out to Paresa to fight the Nova Imperium. That probably means they're losing, but I couldn't be bothered. To think of it, this is the first time they've wanted me in person to receive a new rank in the navy auxiliary. Maybe I'll skip the pleasantries in Eta Cassiopeia then; knowing politicians they might try and get some sort of verbal agreement out of the then hold it against me if I don't follow through... Regardless, I'm headed to 78 Ursae Majoris, well within Alliance territory, at least until this whole Duval thing cools off. They seem nice, and more importantly, the Type-9 will be that much easier if I can get on Lakon's good side. Seeing how well things have gone with my Federation rank by working out of the navy's HQ, I can smell good things happening by working around (and eventually in) the capital of the Alliance.
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