Captain's Log: Work is Work is Work
22 May 2021Pon Pon
Well, looks like somehow there's even less to talk about now that I'm back to a less violent take on my old job.Yeah, I have the occasional run-in with scavengers or strikers, depending on my luck and whether I read mission details or not, but for the most part things are... Quiet. Much like the vastness of space, as seen from the cockpit of my Type-6, the crash sites and shut down settlements I visit are places of solitude. Nothing but the echo of breath in my helmet, and the computer letting me know how close to dying I am with regular life support updates. And I do the day to day: Land at a site, pull out my laser cutter, and scrounge around for whatever the scavengers missed. Most recently, I lucked out and even snagged a power regulator from a trashed SRV. Just busted out my arc cutter, sliced the lock of the main access panel, and found a whole load of goods in pristine condition.
But that's really the most exciting things get. I'm careful to pick my missions such that there shouldn't be a firefight, and I'm far enough out the bubble that nobody really concerns themselves with surface operations. Out here, pretty much all the pilots I talk to are from one of the many anti-Thargoid squadrons, either hunters who defend this side of the galaxy from Thargoid invasion, or the clean-up crews who help with evacuations and station repairs. Speaking of, a real shame about the Alexandria. Hope those people get out safe...
Long story short, I'm more isolated out here than I've ever been, despite taking the leap to set foot on the distant planets. To be honest, this sort of work--reactivating offline settlements, retrieving goods from crash sites or abandoned outposts, or just simply scavenging--reminds me of a simpler time. From before I was a CMDR. It's a breath of fresh air--metaphorically, of course. I haven't been planet-side on an Earth-like planet for years, not since the last time I visited home when dad was still alive. I might go touring Sol, though. I have more than enough credits to stay in the fancier hotels and do whatever I want, a far cry from the life of a dirt farmer back home. Back when I signed on with that mercenary group, I never would have imagined I'd make it here. I've got rank in the Federal and Imperial Navy Auxillarys. I'm well on my way to Elite in trade, and I have the means to reach Elite in exploration. And I'm free to visit whatever planet or settlement I want. I can buy every ship, every gun, and every suit I set my eye on, and I don't even need to take out a loan like back when I bought my first Sidewinder.
And I'm alone. And I did it all alone. Yes, I've winged up once or twice, and I'm part of a much larger squadron. And I've certainly spent my fair share of time supporting the squadron in Algorab and the surrounding systems, making sure that our minor factions have the resources and influence needed to stay in power. But I've spent a great deal longer on my own, doing my own thing. It was like that in the Federation, in the Empire, in the Alliance, and now out here in Independent space (except for the little allied toehold in Maia, but we can ignore that--the Alliance are cool). So enough reminiscing about the past. May 19th has passed, and I need to look to the future, much like those Alliance politicians. I've taken my step back, and gotten my blast of nostalgia, and it's getting close to time to return. With the Clipper only a few dozen light years away, I'm primed to start trading in earnest once I fly it back to the bubble. My sibling recently applied to the Pilot's Federation, and he should be finishing up his training in the Pilot's Federation district some time this week. I'm thinking to take him to Sol in my Clipper to both celebrate his graduation, and show him what he can look forward to as a CMDR. But until then, I'll look to the stars from planets' surfaces from time to time, then get down to work. Turns out, the insurance claim on my Hauler will take some more time, so I've got to wait at least until that goes through before I can leave the Pleiades behind. I really hope that's sorted in time for me to attend my sibling's graduation, though I'm not banking on it.