Captain's Log: Elite
10 Jun 2021Pon Pon
So, I guess I'm one of the Elite now. Well, I guess this has been a long time coming, considering my credit balance is nearing a billion, but...Wow. Just, wow. Ritsy becoming a commander really lit a fire under my butt to stop sitting on my passive income and focus up on pure profits, but I was no slouch before. We've been helping out in the Empire, sourcing minerals for systems in expansion, but today I decided to take things the old-fashioned way and run a trade route with around ~100M credits profit. I've been watching my trade rank inch towards Elite over the past week or so, and on the last jump in my route I received the long-awaited message: "Trade Rank Elite." I was also issued the Founders' World permit at the same time, in the usual Pilot's Federation manner: A complete lack of pomp or circumstance.
Ironically, I did this in the Type-9, with my Cutter still undergoing retrofitting in the Hranit system. I actually haven't even christened hew yet, and as the Tycoon badge is sandblasted from the Faultier, I wonder if the Cutter will even see any use as a trade ship... But, enough about the past. Here's moving forward: I still plan to keep at the path of the trader a little longer, but those of you who follow my logs will have caught on to something: Going back through the logs, I've continuously laid out goals for myself, and with an Elite badge for trade under my belt, and both a Type-9 and an Imperial Cutter in my fleet, I've achieved all of my goals. At least, when it comes to trade.
That's right. After I clear a billion or so credits (I want to maintain a balance of 1 billion after buying a new ship), I'm putting the life of a trader behind me. While I don't have any concrete plans at the moment, I've been reading up about the trip to Colonia, and figure that would make a good jumping off point for exploration. I'm going to be reading up on the various exploration ships, and probably taking my Imperial Courier, the Jager-Sammler, out to find more chemical processors in order to engineer a few FSDs. I've liked Lakon's DBS, so I'm thinking the next step is to go for a DBX for it's range and good heat capacity. That being said, I'm not exactly short on credits, and I've heard the Anaconda is also a good ship for long trips out of the bubble.
To be completely honest, I've been in a bit of a slump for the past few weeks or so, wondering if all the effort was worth it, but now I'm revitalized and ready to see what the future holds. Here's to the next Elite!