Logbook entry

Captain's Log: These are the Voyages

12 Sep 2021Pon Pon
Well, it's time.

Time for what, you ask? Time to secede from humanity itself. To plot a course, and set off into the black with no clue when I will ever return. To go where no one has gone before, and to come back with tales of strange planets and, possibly, creatures. To leave footprints behind on distant worlds.

I once said I wanted to explore the galaxy. Frankly, it's every commander's dream. At minimum, the thought has definitely crossed every commander's mind at least once. And, I'm no exception.

I'm ready. I keep telling myself that. My computer is set for Traikoa SY-Y C1-4, which is roughly 5000LY from the bubble. Galactic coordinates -2220:513:4170. It's still in the Inner Orion Spur, so I can't say it's the greatest journey known to man, but to me it's already daunting enough.

We'll see how I feel when I get there. I've got the materials to synthesize a few of the things I need, and grade 2 jumponium for a worst-case scenario, but I hope to never have to use any of that.

Enough dawdling, though. This is CMDR Pon Pon signing off. See you in the black, commanders.
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