Logbook entry

Captain's Log: Mobilize the Squadron

14 Oct 2021Pon Pon
Well, looks like the state of affairs in the Sidewinder Syndicate has gone south.

We were planning to expand. That's how this all started, back in that first "election" against Dark Enterprise. Because we won, we thought it was time to expand in force, that our membership was willing and able to succeed. We were wrong.

Now, I guess I should be clear here: I don't mean to speak for the squadron, and I'm not a part of the leadership. Maybe I'm completely wrong, but reading the mood over comms what I just described is the mood I've gotten over the past week or so. I've been fighting over a planet, basing myself once again out of a friendly carrier, in yet another war that broke out. We're in three wars right now, though thankfully the second election in Cocorix finished in our favour with a lot less bloodshed than last time.

...god, I'm just a trader. A bloody tour pilot for crying out loud. I'm dabbling as an explorer, but I made my billions off of passengers and cargo, not killing. To think that someone like me is helping out in all these wars and other conflicts, and we're still on the back foot. If the full brunt of our Syndicate was mobilized, we could probably overwhelm practically everyone in the area on numbers alone, but that's unfortunately just not the case.

Y'see, the problem with the Sidewinder Syndicate is that we're all still independent pilots. There's no membership fee, no requirement to participate in any expeditions, and practically no draft in wars like these. I say practically no draft because some of the internal groups--Scouting Initiative included--have redirected their forces towards the war effort, and put their main directive on hold. That's one reason I'm helping out, but the other is that there are so few people that even my "drop in the bucket" of a contribution seems to still be needed. As time passes, I'm seeing more and more faces in these wars, but for some systems, it was too little too late.

The leadership has been extremely active, pulling commanders in from all over the place. Comms are lighting up almost constantly now, discussing the conflicts and various wargoals. Intelligence operations are being carried out in the background, while at the same time we're locking down our own, because now we know who the enemy is. A rival from Colonia, on a personal vendetta, has hired mercenaries to try and threaten the very foundation of our squadron, and we won't let that stand. The squadron is mobilizing, slowly but surely, and it looks like we're about to reach critical mass.

...I just got a message. Looks like the Fuchsjäger is finished her repairs. I'm going to wrap up here, grab something light to eat, then it's back to the front. Even now, we're dangerously close to three conflict zones, and if any of them are pushed too far back, we may lose a station or fleet carrier. Let's hope that doesn't happen, because the fighting is getting dangerously close to home.
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