Logbook entry

Captain's Log: Just My Luck

12 Nov 2021Pon Pon
Well, I've been radio silent a while, eh?

Where to start this time... Huh, to think of it, a lot of my logs I'm recounting a story or some event. I guess that makes sense; it is a journal of sorts. This time, though, I'll have to leave some stuff blank. I'll explain when we get to that part, but for now, I guess I'll start with the war situation.

As far as I can tell, the wars are over. We had a dicey time, with elections, wars, and other political conflicts both internally and while projecting our forces, but at the end of the day the Sidewinder Syndicate was able to mobilize and start putting in massive efforts towards success. We're still managing a few of the contested systems, but there hasn't been any gunfire for a while now.

Not that I would know any of that myself. After my last log, a contact of mine from the Federation Navy got ahold of me. There was a drought going on in Chakpa, and my contact in the Navy made some big promises. Since I was in the area for once, I figured it was a good opportunity to drive in the last stake and make the final push up the Federal Auxillary Navy's ladder. Around the same time, though, some stuff back home cropped up. I ended up spending a large portion of my time planetside rather than flying as I worked through all the things that needed doing. While I was only able to dedicate a relatively small part of my time, it was still enough that I climbed the ranks of the Federation and ended up as a Rear Admiral.

I won't go into detail about the problems at home, because that's pretty personal. The only thing I'll say is that it's one of those things that will never truly be done. I do hope to finish up this round of work soon, so I can spend more time working to further the Sidewinder Syndicate's goals rather than working towards my own and feeling like a freeloader, but I doubt I'll actually have that much spare time until the "Frigid Trifid" expedition.

Oh yeah, I'm taking part in the SWS's Winter expedition this year. I missed out on the High G Summer Slam, mostly because I didn't have the confidence or a ship ready to participate, but I hope to have my Orca ready for the expedition. Likewise, as my rank in the Federal Navy may imply, I've also got a brand new Corvette sitting in Jameson Memorial waiting for the final touches to be added.

...Imperial Cutter? What's that? Is it delicious?

Jokes aside, I'm currently sat on one of the moons around HIP 36601 planet 2. Those of you in the know might recognize the system. And, those of you who have been following my logs for a while will also remember where I am. Yes, I've finally made it to the legendary crystal shard sites, and in the Reichweite II no less. I think it was the Reichweite I, a Lakon Diamondback Scout, that I flew in my failed trip, but it's the thought that counts.

So yeah, for the past couple days, and probably for the next few, I'll be puttering around the list of hotspots that commanders before me have compiled and shared. Thanks, past commanders! You da best! Just my luck, though, I don't think I've landed a single time on the bright side of a body. A couple times I thought it would be light out, but no, the brightest I've got is a dreary dusk into darkness as the sun finally went below the horizon. Oh well, not that bad of a problem even if it's a minor nuisance to work in the dark (and wreaks havoc on my biological clock!).

What I'm mad about is my dumb ass. For whatever reason, I pulled out of one of the sites early, so now I'm down 50 units of Polonium. It's not the end of the world, but it's certainly a waste of time, and a rookie mistake that I shouldn't have made. Since I don't strictly need all the resources I'm gathering, I now have to weigh in whether it's worth the time to fly back and top up, or to just visit the rest of the sites then head home. Stupid Pon, Stupid stupid Pon.

Pon is sad now, but I also have to go to sleep. In the morning, or really whenever I wake up, I'll finish up with the HIP 36601 system, then move on to the Outotz cluster for the last two sites. Then it'll be onto the manufactured materials I need, which sounds like it'll be the biggest pain to do. I might try and wing up with CMDR Ikerz, who's been actively bounty hunting in Sidewinder space for the past couple days.
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