Logbook entry

Captain's Log: A sudden spike in activity

13 Mar 2022Pon Pon
Well, I'm back in the commander's chair after a long break.

It feels... Strange, really. There really is so much to do in this universe, yet while planetside all my spacefaring encounters just fade away. I've got literally billions of credits tied up in ships, but the moment I'm on the ground, back home, it all doesn't seem to matter.

On the ground, I've been investing in a few new business ventures. Similar to what I do among the stars, I can't seem to stick to one thing. Large-scale farming is the first thing I've been involved in, babysitting the fields until I'm satisfied that the farm will be fine by itself, or I grow tired of the whole thing and sell everything I've got. My other venture is a logistics company, which makes sense if you think about it: My farm goods have to be sold somewhere, and it sure ain't gonna be through the ancient romanctics' idea of a farm shop.

Enough about the surface side stuff, though. This captain's log isn't really about that, never has been. It's a bloody ship's log, after all, useful if... Well, you know. Figuring out "what happened."

I'm currently docked at a surface mining outpost, in Apotanites. A lot's happened, and the Sidewinder Syndicate has acquired another squadron, Rook Platoon, and all of their assets. It's all hands on deck right now, figuring out what to do with the displaced refugees, and I've been helping out pick up the slack in the logistics department. Things seem pretty haywire right now, so I've been ferrying materials around non-stop for the past couple days. Not alone, of course.

There are many, many, fleet carriers in system bringing much-needed resources. CMDR Ianosaur and CMDR SimplyHoly are two that, off the top of my head, are spearheading this. CMDR Richard, of course, is the real big boss, since he's the one that negotiated the acquisition of Rook Platoon, but he's so bogged down with paperwork or something that he barely has a chance to jump into the logistics team's comms. So CMDR SimplyHoly, with his fleet of fleet carriers, and CMDR Ianosaur, who seems to just not sleep and always has their ship in the air, are kind of my de facto leaders at the moment (even if they themselves are not aware of it).

Anyways, I've got a shift with CMDR RescueInHell, so I need to be off now.
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