History of the Imperial Privateers
31 Jul 2018Marcus Machiavelli
The Imperial Privateers history starts like many stories, in the system of LHS 3447. Born on the space stations and worlds of this Federation outpost, the combat pilots of the Privateers all yearned for something more than the hypocritical and corrupt Federation rule that had controlled their lives from birth. One by one they left the stagnant old world ways of the Federation and sought freedom in the blackness of space. Out in the void they made their fortunes through bounty hunting, armed courier missions and smuggling. Slowly the privateers begin to meet up with each other in the seedy bars and dives of the space lanes. An idea started to form over drinks and hang-overs, an idea of something bigger than the strangling bureaucracy that are the Federation rules and regulations. Something with honour and integrity, something that was true to their warrior spirit.
They were drawn to the Empire.
Just like the original founding members of the Imperium who fled the stifling Earth regimes, the Imperial Privateers found a place for themselves out amongst the stars. Commander Famke Kostova had journeyed to the system of Hruntia and met with the newly appointed Natasha Lavigny who had been made the patron of the system.
Natasha had no way of protecting her cliens that she was sworn to look after from the Hand Gang and the Silver Vision Network, but here was the answer to her problem in the form of a group of combat pilots spoiling for the fight.
It was a match made in heaven.
The Imperial Privateers now had their cause to fight for and Natasha had the much needed muscle that she needed to impose security in the system.
15 OCT 3301 Luyten Market space station quickly fell before the other minor factions knew what was happening and then in a series of civil wars, base after base fell to the Privateers.
Hruntia 3 is where the Imperial Privateers have their Headquarters on the Island of Altis and though this world is often the scene of fierce street fighting between the Minor factions, the Imperial Privateers armoured troop carriers and planetary defence fighters keep the uneasy peace.
02 AUG 3302 Saw the Imperial Privateers expand into the Namarii system. This was the the start of the mission code named "Breathing Room" which was implemented by Natasha and recorded in the internal memo:
"Well met Privateers, this is your Patron Natasha Lavigny.
It has come time for the Imperial Privateers to expand beyond the borders of Hruntia and control other systems. We need to extend our protection of the common people to other worlds so they can all live in peace. This will also give us much needed "Breathing room" and resources that the Imperial Privateers need to carry on its operations.
You are required to do missions for the Privateers and hand in bounties at an Imperial Privateers base until our reputation is high enough for us to expand.
Natasha, out."
The people of Namarii greeted the Imperial Privateers with open arms and fought along side them to topple the dictatorship of the Namarri Movement faction as their mismanagement was responsible for the suffering of many.
07 OCT 3302 After over two months of conflict, Hughes Hubs, the controlling space station of Namarii finally fell to the Imperial Privateers. This was a bitter and hard fought battle which saw many enemy Commanders siding with the Namarii Movement faction to help their cause. In the end superior tactics won out and the Imperial Privateers were victorious.
Special commendation went to Commander Adramus, who we would have been lost without. His name was mentioned in the dispatchers on our victory that Natasha personally handed to the Empress herself.
Pilot Booblian was officially appointed Master and Commander of Hughes Hub and Commandant Schmetterling was also appointed to give her a helping hand.
09 DEC 3302 Saw the Privateers expand once again into the Tartarus system. This system has a small mining population and so is easily influenced by only a few pilots actions. The Fawaol Patrons of Law are the controlling faction and because they are always in states in other systems it is hard to bring them to an election in this system.
15 JAN 3303 The Fawaol system receives the expansion efforts of the brave pilots of the Imperial Privateers and this started a feud with the Fawaol Patrons of Law who are a powerful force in the sector.
The Governor Jacob Sampson of this controlling faction sent many threats and transmissions to the Imperial Privateers. A sample is below:
"To the Imperial Privateers,
I am Governor Jacob Sampson of the Fawaol Patrons of Law. We have noted your futile attempts to take control in this sector and also your laughable struggle to become the rulers in our home system.
My family has been governors of this sector for generations with the mandate from the Emperors to rule in their name. If you believe that upstarts like you can come in and usurp our control then you are sadly mistaken.
If you continue on this path then you will give me no choice but to put troops on Hruntia 3 as “peace keepers”.
You have been warned.
All hail the Empire."
Commander Grimjac took it upon himself as Comms officer to reply but his skills in diplomacy are not his strong suit. He started insulting the Governors mother and retelling stories of his sexual exploits with her and so things got out of hand rather quickly. Consequently the War fleets of the Fawaol Patrons of Law were dispatched to blockade the Hruntia system.
Desperate to bring about a peaceful end the the crisis, the Imperial Privateers turned to their Comms officer to sort out the mess he had inadvertently started. Once again Commander Grimjac opened up diplomatic channels. This time he tried to appeal to the Governor and the shared connections between the Fawaol Patrons of Law and the Imperial Privateers soldiers. Unfortunately his stories of the Governors father making sexual advances on his own household troops only made things worse. The blockade now moved into full planetary assault.
At this point Commander Grimjac was removed from all diplomatic responsibilities as the drop ships of the Fawaol Patrons of Law descend upon the island of Stratis on Hruntia 3. Enemy combat patrols now control most of the island and the last remaining foot hold of the Imperial Privateers is the Stratis Air Base.
Natasha and High Command are putting together plans for the defence of this strategic asset and the recapture of the island. The first mission in this campaign is called Operation-Pushback. Commander Grimjac fought on the front lines to redeem his past actions which he did with distinction.
02 MAR 3303 Finally the system of Tartarus had an election which showed the strong support that the local population had for the Imperial Privateers. In a landslide victory the Privateers were chosen to be the controlling faction of Foerster Station as well as the system itself.
09 APR 3303 The Imperial Privateers expand into the S Eridani system. This started a war with the local factions as they tried to expel us from the system. This soon escalated into a capital ship battle as the Privateers brought into action their newly captured Farragut Battle Cruiser to fight off the enemy Majestic class Interdictor. The brave combat pilots of the Imperial Privateers locked their S-foils in attack position and engaged the capital ship head on. By destroying all the battleships heat relays it had to retreat but the enemy continued to send in new capital ships to carry on the battle. Mighty Majestic class Interdictor after another fell to the guns of the Privateers.
The war was won and now the fight to be the governing faction of the system begins.
26 APR 3303 The control of the S Eridani system falls to the Imperial Privateers through a landslide victory in an election. All citizens can now live in the peace and security that comes with having Natasha as their Patron.
20 JUN 3303 The moon base of Morris Settlement in the Fawaol system fell to the Imperial Privateers after a war with the Fawaol United Corporation. The Commissar fought long and hard, sometimes alone, to turn the tide in the war and secure victory.
21 JUN 3303 The Imperial Privateers lost no time in using the new moon base to launch tactical strike teams against the installations of the Fawaol Patrons of Law on their jungle home worlds. It was time to take the fight back to them!
13 SEP 3303 The system of Lobed received the Imperial Privateers faction and now Natashas combat pilots hand in bounties to fight for control of the system. With this expansion, the Privateers are now bigger than their rivals The Fawaol Patrons of Law.
30 SEP 3303 "If it bleeds, we can kill it" With the Thargoid attack of the civilian bulk carrier the Samson, the Imperial Privateers fly out a combat wing to Blackmount orbital in the HIP 17692 system to fight off the alien incursion. Combat sorties struck the aliens again and again with the new experimental weapons. The Thargoid ships were wounded but still functioning and time and again the Privateers had to break off to rearm. High Command is confident that the aliens will fall once the new tactics are perfected.
"Remember the Samson!"
01 OCT 3303 In a short and bloody war, the Imperial Privateers take over the system of Lobed and the one and only space station orbiting a gas giant. With the entire system population of 2000 souls crammed into this station, Tacitical Command sees this as an excellent star system to expand from in the future.
18 OCT 3303 The Fawaol Corporations have been fighting space battle after space battle in the Fawaol system, in order to recapture our moon base of Morris Settlement. The Corporations have hired elite mercenary troops to guard their headquarters on the Fawaol homeworld and a daring operation is undertaken to attack the High Command of the Fawaol Corporations in their stronghold.
11 DEC 3303 The first part of Operation - The Slow Blade, was put into effect by Tactical Command. The Fawaol Patrons of Law are too strongly supported by the local trading commanders in the Fawaol system to be able to be defeated in an election. Hence another faction that the Imperial Privateers can have a war with, is raised up to fight for control of the system. This was only possible if the Fawaol Patrons of Law were in a conflict in another system, so planning for the operation dates back to August 3303
21 JAN 3304 The second part of Operation - The Slow Blade, comes to fruition with the battle for the Fawaol system between the Fawaol United Inc Corporation and the Fawaol Patrons of Law. The Imperial Privateers throw their combat weight behind the Corporation and the civil war is quickly won. For the first time in generations, the Patrons of Laws are not the ruling faction in Fawaol.
03 FEB 3304 Saw the Imperial Privateers expand from the Lobed system into the Shongastyak system. With only a small population but a large landing pad at the moon base and a RES close by, the High Command is very pleased with the move.
08 FEB 3304 Message received from the Fawaol Patrons of Law.
You are transparent to us, I see many things, I see plans within plans.
I see two Great Houses, Fawaol Patrons of Law, Fawaol United Inc, feuding.
I see you behind it.
This will not be suffered. You and your cities will burn.
I have spoken.
Governor Jacob Sampson.
14 FEB 3304 After a quick and bloody battle, Gwynn Penitentiary fell to the forces of the Imperial Privateers in the Shongastyak system. On a side note, Commander Famke Kostovas relations were most of the inmates of the prison. So as soon as the Privateers took control, she freed these murders and reprobates on an unsuspecting galaxy.
28 FEB 3304 Gwynn Penitentiary was lost to the Imperial Privateers in their first ever defeat in battle. Enemy commanders turned the tide at the 11th hour once the Privateers had retired for the night at the end of the third day of the war. Such was the size of the turn around and defeat that the system went into lockdown then civil unrest. Commander Famke Kostovas relations have all been captured by the authorities and are now inmates of the prison again.
14 MAR 3304 The third part of Operation - The Slow Blade, is put into action with the combat might of the Imperial Privateers put behind yet another faction in a war against the Fawaol Patrons of Law. The Patrons lost their last big trading station of Gottlob Frege Coliseum and so diminish as a power in the system.
16 MAR 3304 Message received from the Fawaol Patrons of Law.
You have displaced me and the Fawaol Patrons of Law from the governorship of our home system. This has been a position that we have historically held in the name of the Emperor since my great grandfathers time and I will have my revenge. We are launching an all out war of annihilation. This is genocide: the deliberate and systematic destruction of all life on Hruntia 3.
Governor Jacob Sampson.
12 MAY 3304 The fourth part of Operation - The Slow Blade, slips into place with the war for the space station of Gottlob Frege Coliseum. The Imperial Privateers are now the biggest station owners in the system and the biggest trading giants in the sector.
30 MAY 3304 The final section of Operation - The Slow Blade, seals the fate of who controls the Fawaol system with the Imperial Privateers effortlessly winning the war for Stutter hub and becoming the controlling faction of the system and ruling the entire sector.
08 JUN 3304 The Shongastyak system falls to the Imperial Privateers in a war for control and the wrongs of the past with our defeat in the battle of Gwynn Penitentiary are washed away. Commander Famke Kostovas relations are still locked away as the Privateers do not yet own that facility but she is not too upset by this.
14 JUN 3304 Strange reports are coming in from the first planet in the Tartarus system. High Command believes it is wise to brief the Privateers on the situation as it stands now:
Tartarus 1 is a hostile environment with a carbon dioxide atmosphere, a surface temperature of 501 Kelvin (227 Celsius) at midday and a rotational period of only 0.02 days.
Because of all these factors, High Command are issuing new Combat Hazmat Suits for operations on the surface of the planet.
We have a pioneer base on the surface of the planet, but have not heard any reports from them for some time. The mission in the coming weeks will be to proceed there and investigate what has happened to the bases staff. The high surface temperature means that wheeled vehicles cannot operate in such conditions so only tracked vehicles are available, also in the thin atmosphere rotary aircraft will not function so only dropships will be able to be used for air support.
There are several other factions operating on the planets surface at the moment and they are as follows:
The Tartarus Workers Party are an independent communist faction that we have had clashes with in the past. They are lightly armed but dangerous in large numbers.
The Tartarus Camorra are the local pirate clan and have hired elite mercenaries to beef up their planet side forces. They should be considered heavy armored infantry who often wield heavy support weapons.
The last faction on the planet are the Tartarus Holdings Corporation and even though they are an Imperial Corporation, they are jealous of our control of the system.
03 JUL 3304 The Imperial Privateers expand into the Niu Lang O system. This is a control system for the Empress and so the Privateers are keen to do their part in order to support her.
13 JUL 3304 An election in the new Niu Lang O system against the Niu Lang O Guardians sees the station of Kibalchich Prospect fall into the Privateers control.
19 JUL 3304 The system of Chicomoztoc sees the expansion efforts of the Imperial Privateers. This system has a huge population of almost 3 billion which is a rival to our home world of Hruntia.
30 JUL 3304 The system of Niu Lang O falls to the control of the Imperial Privateers in the battle of Hirasawa station. This war raged for 3 days and nights just outside the station with the pilots of the Privateers using it as a base for sorties into the combat zones. The system is a control system for our Empress, so it is a great chance for us to do our part and support her.