Logbook entry

CMDR's LOG 3301-07-14 #2

14 Jul 2015Kuumies
Found myself in an epic skirmish today. Winged up with CMDR Enrogue Óðinkárr to undermine Zachary Hudson in Rana. For a while we tore up the place, but then I noticed a Strong Signal Source on my sensor screens.

We've all heard the rumors about strange alien artifacts being traded between systems so I decided to jump in. Lo and behold two Anacondas escorting a T-9. This has GOT TO be it. Enrogue jumped in and as soon as we were able to destroy the first Anaconda, 4 more jumped in! One elite and 3 only a little under that in their combat ranks. Barely destroyed the elite and a then another one. Then we decided to turn our hardpoints towards the T-9's cargo hatch, which was obliterated in seconds. What dropped out... nothing... absolutely nothing! Our hopes and dream demolished the disappointment turned into blood rage and we were able to destroy yet another 'Conda. At this point we both were completely out of shield cell banks and decided to flee... none the wiser.. none the richer.

SSS with a T-9.. escorted by two Anacondas.. carrying nothing. What the hell?
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︎2 Shiny!
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