[Bite Sized Log] Ensign K'rith [Elite: Dangerous X Star Trek]
27 May 2020PathOwOgen
What are these bite sized logs? Well it's where I'm going to be writing small things that don't need their own full log. Also where I can get a little silly.And so, let's get that.
Ensign K'rith has been serving on the Calperion for 3 years. Why is he still a Ensign? Well that's beacuse whenever he gets promoted he does something really dumb and gets himself demoted.
Like for instance the time in an holodeck he tried to download a "fun" simulation from a not so keen site. Best to leave that story with saying that a virus was put on the ship from it and almost made us crash into a black hole from that "oopsie"
Or the time he fell asleep with his hand on the replicate button in his quarters that almost made us completely run out of replicator energy. We found him surrounded by 2000 pairs of replicated socks!
Not to mention when he installed another virus onto a shuttlecraft in our hanger that when we remotely flew it, you could color us surprised when a virus we didnt know existed detonated the shuttlecraft! M'rill lost a arm from shrapnel from that incident. Needless to say M'rill gives the stink eye to him whenever K'rith is around.