Logbook entry

The hunger...

06 Feb 2023MudBarf
I feel the hunger returning. A little holiday on Inti 7 left me feeling much more energetic, but it did little to quiet the monster. So I tried taking up a hobby - exobottony.

I heard that spending time tending to plants was a great way to quiet your soul. It worked - for a time. I flew around the galaxy looking for plantlife, scanning it, bringing back samples. Made a lot of cash doing it. I bought the hotel on Inti 7, and retrofitted a couple of the dome rooms as little arboretums. Little greenhouses.

I found that the plants don't like our atmosphere. And they often have no tolerance for each other's atmospheres either - I guess that makes sense. Lots of dead plants. Lots of empty plots. They need their own conditions to thrive.

So I found some plants that like an oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere out on the rim. Took a few days to find samples, but I didn't want anything from earth - that would be too easy.

Now I don't need airlocks on my greenhouses.

Downside is I'm basically growing alien grass. Not terribly exciting. So I relented and added a few earth species.

I'm watching them burst to life but all I can think of is killing something to fertilise my little ones with it's blood. I recognise that I'm utterly deranged, but that's what living in the black does to you.

So I left my little underwater abode behind and ventured out into the black looking for Thargoids. I'm currently sitting in my DBX, doing reconnoitre runs around HIP 26688, looking for a better place to park my carrier.

I guess my soul is irredeemable, but at least I'm helping to keep humanity safe. Until the war is over, then I'll likely go back to hunting mercenaries and pirates for sport. I comfort my turbulent soul with the thought that those people probably deserve it, unlike the Thargoids.

I'm fairly sure they're just trying to stop us committing genocide against them. I don't think they're going to be successful. We're way, way too good at it.
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