Logbook entry

A privateer's week

What a crazy week it has been!

First off a week ago last Saturday I did as noted in my previous entry and did a whole lot of trading. In Imperial slaves and... Well I had to bring -something- back on the round trip. So it was biowaste. Shit, in plain English, more or less. Gave a good opportunity for the liberty-challenged though to get acquainted with what surely passes as their new line of work for most of them, mopping up after the shiet at the cargo hold of my T-9 "Rán". None of them complained, not a great wonder as it was their accommodations for their journey to new homes. I suppose the array of electrified barbed whips I have hanging by the door to the cargo hold keeps them well-behaved as well, p'haps. I worked my ass off at a hard 16-hour shift flying mostly between two stations at two systems one jump away but was finally rewarded for my efforts by the Pilots Federation and was awarded with the trade rank of entrepreneur. Hooray for for the traders!

The weekdays went by mostly with varying activities between bounty hunting, mercenary work, doing missions for Imperial factions (assassinations mostly really)and undermining in enemy territory. Have to get rid of that undesirable element. Sometimes I operated alone, but mostly with other fellow Commanders of the Varangian Syndicate.
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