Logbook entry

Empyrean Straits expedition October 3037, day 1

Somewhere very, very high above in the Empyrean Straits...

Went exploring after my first first discovery black hole - the whole area is heavily populated with virgin black holes, I have now found out. Great news! Galactic route plotter worked great as well, under 200 jumps using neutron boosts. Here are some shots from the first day; a red moon with red biologicals orbiting a gas giant orbiting an L class dwarf, a ringed ice world even higher up still, and in the last shot the highest point of my trek tonight; the highest black hole I've managed to find so far. It was located over 2820 light years above the galactic plane. That place almost got me too; had much trouble to be able to plot out and back down.

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︎1 Shiny!
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