Logbook entry

Empyrean Straits Expedition October 3037, final day 3

My final posting from this weeks three day exploration journey to the heights of the Empyrean Straits.

Netted a nice cartography data worth of 51-52 million credits checking at the Universal Cartographers offices when I got back home. Which I'm holding on to until I get Li Yon Rui's cartography data payout bonus next week's Thursday. With that it will be enough to make it Elite I rank in exploration. To be honest, did not expect quite this much. Very happy with it. These are the final shots of the expedition, with my Phantom [VSS] Jumpius Fastimus in the first shot (was her maiden voyage as well). Link to build: https://s.orbis.zone/gnve. Second is just a shot of a biological along the way, and the final shot is me giving farewells to the Empyrean Straits; one last look down from the heights before heading back home.

Anyways, wishing much success to all my fellow Commanders with whatever they're doing out there. Starting next weekend I'll be taking another trip, this time for a bit longer period. To where, I haven't decided upon yet. But likely somewhere else than the Empyrean Straights, to mix it up a bit. Might even make Elite II in exploration, who knows.

This is Cmdr Enrogue Óðinkárr signing off for now, having had a very successful completion to my October 3307 Empyrean Straits expedition. Right on, Commanders! o7

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