Logbook entry

Siddha Smackdown

06 Apr 2016Maxamillion
So this last week ...

Wait, how old is this thing? Can't tell if this is on.

So anyways, this last week has set me on the first path of my piloting career.

Until recently, I've mostly just been picking off easy bounties without any direction. That is until I came across the Sihha and CD-37 641 systems. I've barely made a name worth noting in the Imperial Navy, but that was just about enough to take on the slew of jobs they had to offer. That, and murder in one's heart.

Apparently these two systems really don't like each other. So much to the point that I've been able to capitalize off this by working both sides. Siddha gives me 3 hits on local political figures in CD-37 After cleaning up and making a pit stop in CD-37, CD-37 tells me to thin the ranks of Siddha's police force. Rinse and repeat. The best part is that it's not going unnoticed, I'm now the most wanted commander in both systems and yet they still continue to hire me to blast the other out of the stars.

I would eventually dive into the nose of an Anaconda make a tactical error only to end up in the custody of CD-37 641's Internal Security. Their hate runs deep, though, and they promised to let me off on two conditions: Just pay my fines and also they really, really want Siddha dead still. True to my word, I paid off my bounty and headed straight to Siddha without harming anyone else in CD-37.

For a couple of days.

Anyways, I've been fortunate enough that they're not the only ones to have noticed what is going on here. Among all the incompetence running on the small scale in this part of the galaxy, the Imperial Navy seems to appreciate me killing people dead as a freelance-agent, and now it looks like they will now be wanting me to do it as a Knight of the Empire.
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︎1 Shiny!
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