Logbook entry

The Benefits of Space-Murder

20 Apr 2016Maxamillion
Hey old friend, sorry for the neglect -  been busy.

One of the big goals I've had for a while was recently spotted on the horizon, so I surprised myself and did what I never do: put my nose to the grind. So you can understand why I haven't been around to talk to myself as much.

That said, I've been busy getting my hands dirty for the Empire. I'd be lying if I said I was surprised just how many people ... other people... want dead. But no problem, if it'll pay for that swanky Clipper then there's surely nothing wrong with murdering a ton of celebrities and veterans taking up a few government projects. Not only that, but I also happen to be climbing up the ladder of nobility.

Baron Maxamillion I has a nice ring to it, yeah?

Had a nice message sent via comms from the Pilot's Federation, too. Upon the last few of my kills before I could whisk on over as Baron to Dakvar to buy my new vessel, I've been recognized for combat experience. Been getting word that some people may consider me an "Expert" now.

Everyone else just calls me a dirty opportunist, though...

All good, though. You could also imagine how pleased I was to find that all the credits earned over the entire course just happened to be enough to purchase my new Clipper, which I've decided to name the Delfino, and any expenses afterwards to pay the insurance office if I happen to drop the ball again.

And that pretty much leaves me to where I am now. Just got done deciding if I should give the Delfino a slick coat of jet-black paint or the porcelain coating it comes with out of the shop (we decided on the latter, by the way). Be nice to give Black Saturday a rest finally too, she's been the only ship I've had for a good long while.

What's even better, I now have a proper cargo vessel.

The next step from here is to get started on the next few projects: suit up Delfino properly and start preparing to bring the next ship I had in mind to port...

Have been hearing rumors about some engineers and their hippie lasers what happen to be just the thing I've been looking for.
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︎1 Shiny!
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