Logbook entry

LOG 7 Apr 3302 - SYS - Huilliche//Freng

07 Apr 2016Calligula02
I left Ross754 because too difficult to find something of interesting.
Actually i got an intersting delivery to huilliche. I have to say.. This system is pretty much desert. Two stations and 3 stars. To get from one station to the other it took me almost days...

Well.. Anyway i got to bounty a bit to make money and i did. Between the closest sytem. Of Freng and this desolate Huilliche i got somethin like 200k cr today. Not a lot. I know.. But enough to improve my ship with class 2 multicannon and better shields (that saved my ass later). I had a mission from the bulletin board to get rid of some guy called Abdu.. well i killed him.. But they didn't payed me.. They asked me to do more..
No way!!

Ah! On my way back to get the payment i found in this huilliche system 2 small cargo with a lot of goods.. Not bad! But... Now.. Here there is no black market... Where i can find one neraby?

See ya

Docked at Lee Enterprise
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