Logbook entry

Pirate Hunt

04 Apr 2016Slappy311
Today I embarked on my first combat mission. I am ordered to hunt pirates.

Until today have always just hunted bounties through interdictions or traded illegal goods. After returning to Aisling Duval's territory I found my first combat mission, I would have passed the job up but it paid over 600k plus the bounties that I collect. Only a fool would pass up such a large reward, especially when it requires legal kills.

I left the station to embark on my mission. Since I am now on a new type of mission I have decided to attempt a new type of combat; I will carry out my job while protecting the ships mining at a local resource site. The kills were rolling in left and right.

My last kill was the most exciting one. We were dog fighting flying through the rocky battlefield. I figured that I will target his drive to stop him in his tracks for an easy finish. This worked like a charm, but not how I thought. After his engines are gone the ship begins to float through the asteroid belt. I was ready to fire the last few shots, but hesitated. We were both heading for a large rock. I break engagement to get to safety. As I look up to see the enemy ship I see a glorious explosion! A fitting end to a pirate targeting miners.

I might have to take more combat missions if they all turn out like this one.
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