01 May 2017Al Tarf
Another milestone passed! Finally I'm here - at the center of our whole Galaxy, where everything rotates around you. This is a great day for me as an explorer indeed.The chase is better than the catch, they say. True. The way here was long and weary, but now, when I'm here, the only thing I want is to go beyond that
I have no Idea how long it will take me to reach Beagle Point. I'm now 25,899 Ly from Sol and about 35,000 Ly from Begale. However my trip to the center was far longer than 25k Ly. First Omega, then Colonia. I might have passed even longer distance! So I'm going to assume that if it took me two weeks to reach Sagittarius A* - with the same speed I will be ablle to get to Beagle Point on May 15th. There're far less distractions on the way there, however, the route itself is much trickier. Should it equalise the results? No idea.
The only thing I will be considering is the Abyss. Direct and Dangerous route, ot more safe and longer route through Sagittarius-Carina Arm? Not sure yet. But I will have a lot of time to cinsider it in the upcoming days, eh?
And for now...
...Gagarin's Reach awaits!