01 Jul 2017Al Tarf
Today is the Earth's 1st of July 3303 and it's time for a new update. My last log dates back to May, when I had some difficulties during my trip. But, as you remember, I'm back on the track, feeling pumped and ready for action.I'm writing this before I'm going to get some shuteye in the middle of Boreas Region. T'was a nice change of scenery while I was passing the between arms space. Reminded me of our own space — not too bright, cozy and, you can say, black (yeah yeah...)
Plans for the coming days is crossing Styx. It will be a little training before the last leap, nothing too spectacular, so I believe you won't hear me until I will reach brink of The Abyss.
Yeah, by the way, I chose the shortest and not the safest route. Damn, you knew I would do that. You know me, right? Besides, I'm not some rookie, I'm into exploration for years now. I may not be Elite explorer yet, but it just bureaucracy. All that inflation with ranks thresholds. I wouldn't be surprised to see some Elite with twice fewer credits earned from exploration! I will be one on return, for damn sure! My only concern is that I will make universal cartographics go bankrupt with my data. Wouldn't want that!
But anyway, stay tuned, stay focused, stay cool. Until next time, pants!