A funny thing happened on my way to Kama...
07 Sep 2021P53ud0Nym
An amusing thing happened on the way back to Kama. After lurking in Binjamingi, tormenting Felicia Winters' vessels, I decided to return home to Kamadhenu. Imagine my surprise while casually flying to port when I was interdicted by a Winters aligned vessel, proclaiming revenge for all of the ships I had just destroyed. While in most cases I'm perfectly happy to just evade the interdiction and continue to my destination, I thought to myself, Well, if it's a fight he's looking for, who am I to deny him?I zeroed out my throttle and submitted to his interdiction when he gave me 18 seconds to surrender. Fool -- plenty of time for my Corvette (heresy, I know) to deploy its hardpoints, swing around, and acquire this poor outmatched Viper. It was over as quickly as it began. I scooped up a few of the materials he left adrift in space, and quickly resumed my course home.
Arissa Invicta!