Cmdr Eeka
Researcher / Explorer
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Elite V
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Krait Mk II RF-35
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Logbook entry

The Hesperus Search pt.3 - Surface Findings

20 Jun 2021Eeka
Hello again commander. It's nice to see you've been interested in the Hesperus saga. If it's your first contact with my reports, make sure you're properly aware of the context involving the previous ones here and here.

As promised, i'm going to detail the unique findings lying in the body 1 a of Trapezium Sector YU-X c1-2.

After scanning the body you'll see, besides the Proteus itself, other 5 crashed thargoid ships and two guardian sites. One is an alpha ruin (check this if you didn't know there are many kinds of ruins), the other is a squid structure (and this for structures).

The interesting fact is that never before both civilizations were observed in the same location. But stay with me on this, there's more.

The coordinates for each crashed ship are:

Site 1 - 21.5270/119.8310
Site 2 - 31.6761/119.7441
Site 3 - 31.5961/120.0725
Site 4 - 31.6977/120.2125
Site 5 - 31.5115/119.4512

The coordinates for the guardian structure are: 31.6157/119.8650

As you can notice, they're in the same vicinity. The thargoid ships vary from 3.85km to 15.3km distance from the structure. This definitely means vestiges of a million year old battle between those two races.

They are interceptor (most likely cyclops) crashed ships:

Note: the genetic sample doesn't give any information on the crashed ship tissues.

Besides having no materials to collect, they are no different than other already known crashed ships. Here's a sample taken from HIP 17403:

There's no need to provide further details on the two guardian sites since they have nothing beyond what's already known. The guardian structure provides a vessel blueprint. I apologize for the lack of coordinates to the guardian ruin, but it's 80.7km from the Proteus Site 60° to northeast.

If you never been in a guardian site on foot yet, i highly suggest you to do so:

Note: These guys wont shoot missiles if you're on Odyssey (maybe fixed in the future)

The body also bears a single alpha guardian ruin in 32.8436°/123.7990° and 4 distress calls, that increased to 5 in the second investigation day. All of them were checked with the following findings:

DB 1 - 14.6080/104.5157 - crashed condor - occupied pods (x2), narcotics (x2), personal weapons (x2), engineering mat + odyssey mat (ship)
DB 2 - 115.5420/133.4367 - crashed condor - OP (x2), NC (x2) e PW (x2) +misc
DB 3 - 113.2683/97.0225 - crashed condor - OP (x2), PW (x4) + misc
DB 4 - -120.2269/63.2728 - crashed condor - OP (x2), NC (x2) e PW (x2) +misc
DB 5 - -143.9514° -67.2723° - crashed condor - OP (x2), NC (x3) e PW (x1) +misc

Additionally, 5 biological signals can be found in Horizons, as following:

Site 1 - Bark Mounds, -56,5976/-110,7954
Site 2 - Bark Mounds, 30,8086/54,5461
Site 3 - Bark Mounds, -8,4958/115,6378
Site 4 - Bark Mounds, 48,4005/-166,6424
Site 5 - Bark Mounds, 37,1267/-173,4915

The Proteus site has a lot of interesting details to observe.

It is located right next to a crater, surrounded by mountains. The sight is beautiful but i'd also call it desolated. The clouds of Barnard's Loop are sublime, but they're a fine addition to the terror context involving the ship's fate. The main planet can be closely observed in the sky.

The ship had no landing gears extended which means an emergency landing. This also explains some of the painting degradation. The cockpit has broken glasses and the main pilot seat is no longer present (apologies for the lack of pictures of this one), which can also be due to an emergency landing. There are no utilities attached in the ship. No weapons observed. It is navy-blue and have no id/name/emblems printed on the hull.

The settlement they managed to build is composed by (from left to right) a few supply crates and containers, a wrecked SRV, power generation machinery, a medium-sized transmission antenna (still operational), a habitat housing (with signs of wearing and repair), a general data point and two smaller habitation containers (probably for scientific purposes). Its surroundings also contain from 8-12 engineering materials, other two specific data points containing the ship's log, some empty, broken canisters and general debris.

The antenna goes high, above the ship's level. Its structure seem to be improvised but not its components, that are still moving and working. It resembles a drilling platform due to the rotation of its central structure. There are thick ducts going from the ground all the way to the top.

The whole improvised settlement rests in a heart stricken way. It is sad to imagine that it took almost 200 years for someone to finally find them among the vastness of the black, where destiny wanted them to be the third race buried in that planet.

I intend to bring you a final part, with some of my own reflections around this mystery and frustration about working with Canonn Science. I'm still evaluating this, since some of the content might be considered as negative, but i also find it eye opening.

I recommend you to visit the site in Solo mode, since, at the time of this gone public, a lot of commanders are in the location seeking fun and revenge on inattentive explorers.

Here's the 4th report: Final Thoughts.

Thanks for reading this far. I hope you had fun and learned something.

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