Cmdr Eeka
Researcher / Explorer
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Elite V
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Krait Mk II RF-35
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Logbook entry

The Hesperus Search pt.4 - Final thoughts

20 Jun 2021Eeka
Hello commander,

Thanks for coming this far in the Hesperus series i've made. If this is your first contact with it, you'll find the previous reports here.

The following report is my own reflection around the topic and my opinion/feelings about working with Canonn Science members.

The Hesperus

What comes next?
Alexandria has disappeared on june 3rd, a week later Salvation contacted us with further information on the Hesperus location:

"I urge you to accept the task of finding all the beacons, and hopefully discover a trace of the survivors. Your efforts will aid me in my great work - preventing humanity's extinction. "

What is their relation?

The guardians
The Hesperus has detected non human artifacts, yet the Proteus wasn't closer to a thargoid site but a guardian. Would guardian signals resonate that loud among the galaxy?

Canonn Science members

As mentioned before, all search effort was kind of realized/organized with the help of the Canonn community members.

I say it this way because there was no leadership, no organization, no group coordination, no spending from their side. Volunteers gathered in their group seeking for info and started posting information there. Many of those who offered key information for the operation weren't even properly registered in the group. It was a group effort, but definitely not Canonn's group effort.

Working with their members is very exhausting. The group is teeming with arrogant people, each of them with a strong desire to be the one holding the truth, the one that knows the most, still those are the same who wont hesitate licking the boots of others that act like they already hold the truth and know everything (and trust me, they don't). This is something they'll hardly or never admit, yet the toxic feeling surrounding their rooms will loudly confirm it over time.

It is a "scientific" community structured to feed the ego of such, repress the questioning, condemn those who seek knowledge, despise those who commit mistakes, repel innovation, feed the inefficient, and at the end (why not?) take the credit for themselves.

During the search, me and many other commanders tried to figure out a way to refine the criteria used to locate the Proteus in the 300ly bubble we had to work on, only to be shot down by the same members, including one moderator, that later secretly adopted a criteria raised by one of us (that proved to be right) while pushing the group to keep searching that bubble in the dense random method. It is also important to mention that the same members were barely working in this method (the brute force search) that they insisted was the right thing to do. You can verify this with the data already provided in my previous reports.

In the end of the search, after two days interacting with the group i felt emotionally drained, beaten and angry. However, the conclusion of the mystery has shown me that my inquiries remained aligned with the reality and that i can safely rely on my own good work to reach success, instead of their approval or validation. That is what i've been dedicating my time on since then.

I want to make clear that there are kind and fun people in the group along with others that do not directly participate of this kindergarten i mentioned and remain silent, gathering useful information and eventually helping when they can. The organization helps the general community with very interesting information although it still lacks transparency. It exists due to the specialized work of few dedicated, recluse, very knowledgeable commanders.

My recommendation? Seek them for information, not empathy.
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