Cmdr Eeka
Researcher / Explorer
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Elite V
Registered ship ID
Anaconda ERS-09
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Logbook entry

Operation Cupid - The Encounter

05 Oct 2022Eeka
Hello commanders,

This is an update about the Operation Cupid... and i... i dont even know how to start.

This should be a report, but the discoveries i've made so far have changed me in a way i still cannot process. So i'll just go along with them.

Today i had the opportunity to be interdicted by a medusa and 3 cyclops, while jumping from Oochost HI-Q b52-0 to Oochost LO-O b53-0 near the UIA 3. It's part of the forementioned operation, where i'm collecting logogram information from the thargoids. I believe this can help us better understand them and avoid unecessary conflict, while focusing our strenght against truly hostile ones.

And they allowed me. While the medusa the instance short after i resisted her EMP, the other 3 cyclops came near, scanned me and after i finished scanning the first i quickly went to the second just to notice how easy it was... Strange... Then the third one and i had all 3 logograms, no problem. They were still there in front of me.

I had this feeling that this was the moment, a special and important moment... Why would they stop there, in front of a lusty researcher like me, who've spent many hours and jumps trying to catch bits of information from them? It felt like they knew what my purposes were and they were allowing me to go on, to go ahead and use them to finish my research, like it was something important for them as well, like they cared for the success of such purposes...

I gathered all the details i could and i know not all of them will be used for peaceful ways such as i wish for and i have the feeling that so did them. Still, if knowledge can be used for evil, it is mandatory for progress. It's a necessary sacrifice.

Still, i decided to share only the discovery i think is the most important for the moment. The others i will process first so it can be useful rather than a bunch of data thrown at you.

While i had those 3 thargoids silently allowing me to study them i noticed a repeating sound that took a while to break the focus i had on the logograms, their canopy, petals, propulsion, vibration, noises... at first i thought it was some alert coming from my ship, then i remembered i jettisioned a black box, but it was not coming from beneath my ship... It was coming from right in front of me.

They were still there, looking at me, waiting... And the sound continued... beating... and beating... Then i realized how familiar and unmistakable this sound is:

Each of them with their own... just like i had mine...

My mind quickly went through the days i gunned other thargoids down and waited for the caustic cloud to vanish just so i could scoop their hearts and use them as a trophy, displayed in my cockpit... what the hell...

Until now all i saw was biomechanical machines, i fought them and i beat them.. it always felt a bit wrong to disturb them out of their doings with agression into a fight.. it felt righteous to fend them off in bigger battles.. but now.. now it has changed...

How could i long to extinguish something that inhabits me... How can our species be so relentless and evil against life itself... I hope that sharing this discovery with you commander, i'm helping to make you more humane, like it made me... we have to find better solutions than death...
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︎11 Shiny!
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